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我们提供Facebook和Instagram批量自动点赞服务,We provide FB & IG like service!

批量点赞对于 Facebook 账户增长非常重要,因为它可以帮助提高账户的曝光、内容参与度和打造个人IP的影响力,从而带来脸书账号的粉丝增长:增加账号曝光和推荐,批量点赞可以帮助您的账户在 Facebook 上获得更多的可见性。点赞越多,您的账户就越可能出现在其他用户的新闻推送中,从而增加您的账户的曝光率。提高参与度,批量点赞可以激励其他用户与您的账户互动。点赞是一种简单的方式来表达对某个帖子的兴趣或支持,当您批量点赞时,您的账户就更可能收到其他用户的回应和评论、甚至关注,也就是我们常常提到的“回粉”。增加账号的影响力,批量点赞可以帮助您的账户建立影响力。点赞越多,您的账户就越可能被视为一个有影响力的账户,从而吸引更多的用户关注和互动。提高账户权重,批量点赞可以帮助提高您的账户权重。Facebook 的算法会根据账户的参与度和曝光来确定账户的权重,批量点赞可以帮助提高您的账户权重,从而提高您的账户在搜索结果和新闻(News feed)推送中的排名。增加粉丝数量, 批量点赞可以帮助您吸引更多的粉丝。点赞越多,您的账户就越可能被其他用户关注,从而增加您的粉丝数量。提高账户 Engagements, 批量点赞可以帮助提高您的账户 Engagement 互动。点赞是一种简单的方式来表达对某个帖子的兴趣或支持,当您批量点赞时,您的账户就更可能收到其他用户的回应和评论,从而提高您的账户 Engagement。增加账户的社交证明,批量点赞可以帮助增加您的账户的社会证明。点赞越多,您的账户就越可能被视为一个有社会证明的账户,从而提高您的账户的可信度和权威性。因此,批量点赞对于 Facebook 账户增长特别是涨粉方面非常重要。

Bulk liking is crucial for Facebook account growth because it can help increase account visibility, engagement, and influence. Here are the importance of bulk liking for Facebook account growth:

  1. Increase Visibility: Bulk liking can help your account gain more visibility on Facebook. The more likes you get, the more likely your account is to appear in other users' newsfeeds, increasing your account's exposure.

  2. Boost Engagement: Bulk liking can encourage other users to interact with your account. Liking is a simple way to express interest or support for a post, and when you bulk like, your account is more likely to receive responses and comments from other users.

  3. Establish Influence: Bulk liking can help your account establish influence. The more likes you get, the more likely your account is to be seen as an influential account, attracting more users to follow and interact with you.

  4. Improve Account Weight: Bulk liking can help improve your account weight. Facebook's algorithm determines account weight based on engagement and visibility, and bulk liking can help increase your account weight, improving your account's ranking in search results and newsfeeds.

  5. Gain More Followers: Bulk liking can help you attract more followers. The more likes you get, the more likely other users are to follow your account, increasing your follower count.

  6. Enhance Account Engagement: Bulk liking can help enhance your account engagement. Liking is a simple way to express interest or support for a post, and when you bulk like, your account is more likely to receive responses and comments from other users, increasing your account engagement.

  7. Increase Social Proof: Bulk liking can help increase your account's social proof. The more likes you get, the more likely your account is to be seen as a credible and authoritative account, increasing your account's trustworthiness and influence.

In summary, bulk liking is crucial for Facebook account growth because it can help increase account visibility, engagement, influence, account weight, follower count, account engagement, and social proof.

实现 Facebook 批量点赞,涉及使用 Facebook 的 Graph API 以编程方式代表用户点赞多个帖子、或页面。以下是我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|提供的技术路径概述:

  1. Facebook 开发者账户:创建 Facebook 开发者账户并注册应用程序以获取 App ID 和 App Secret。

  2. Facebook Graph API:使用 Facebook Graph API 对应用程序进行身份验证和授权,以访问用户的 Facebook 账户。

  3. 访问令牌:获取具有必要权限(例如 publish_actions)的访问令牌,以代表用户执行点赞操作。

  4. 批处理 API:使用 Facebook 批处理 API 将多个点赞请求发送到单个 API 调用中。

以下是使用 Python 的 requests 库来演示批量点赞功能的示例代码:


注意,这个代码片段假设您已经获取了具有 publish_actions 权限的访问令牌。批量点赞肯定会违反 Facebook 的平台政策和指南,所以需要使用我们的工具,以便正确地实现批量点赞功能,避免账号封禁。特别需要注意的是,Facebook 对批量操作有速率限制和限制,因此请务必查看他们的文档并根据需要调整您的点赞拟人化时间间隔。

Implementing Facebook bulk like involves using Facebook's Graph API to programmatically like multiple posts or pages on behalf of a user. Here's a high-level overview of the technical path:

  1. Facebook Developer Account: Create a Facebook Developer account and register an app to obtain an App ID and App Secret.

  2. Facebook Graph API: Use the Facebook Graph API to authenticate and authorize your app to access the user's Facebook account.

  3. Access Token: Obtain an access token with the necessary permissions (e.g., publish_actions) to perform likes on behalf of the user.

  4. Batch API: Use the Facebook Batch API to send multiple like requests in a single API call.

Here's an example code snippet in Python using the requests library to demonstrate the bulk like functionality:

import requests# Replace with your App ID and App SecretAPP_ID = "YOUR_APP_ID"APP_SECRET = "YOUR_APP_SECRET"# Replace with the user's access tokenACCESS_TOKEN = "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN"# Define the posts or pages to likeposts_to_like = [    {"id": "POST_ID_1"},    {"id": "POST_ID_2"},    {"id": "POST_ID_3"},    # ...]# Set the batch API endpoint and headersbatch_endpoint = "https://graph.facebook.com/v13.0/"headers = {    "Authorization": f"Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}",    "Content-Type": "application/json"}# Create the batch requestbatch_request = {    "batch": []}for post in posts_to_like:    batch_request["batch"].append({        "method": "POST",        "relative_url": f"{post['id']}/likes",        "body": ""    })# Send the batch requestresponse = requests.post(batch_endpoint, headers=headers, json=batch_request)# Check the responseif response.status_code == 200:    print("Likes successful!")else:    print("Error:", response.text)

Note that this code snippet assumes you have already obtained the necessary access token with the publish_actions permission. You should also ensure that you comply with Facebook's Platform Policies and Guidelines when implementing bulk like functionality.

Keep in mind that Facebook has rate limits and restrictions on bulk actions, so be sure to review their documentation and adjust your implementation accordingly.


我们在开发自动化批量工具的时候,深入研究了 Facebook 的用户政策和指南,每一个点赞都是模拟真人行为,避免被Meta的服务器侦测到是机器人行为。以下是我们工具遵循的一些有效的批量点赞策略:

  1. 选择相关的帖子:选择与您的账户相关的帖子,以提高点赞的相关性和有效性。

  2. 使用 Facebook 的批量操作工具:Facebook 提供了批量操作工具,例如 Facebook 的批量点赞工具,可以帮助您快速地点赞多个帖子。

  3. 使用第三方工具:使用第三方工具,例如社交媒体管理工具,可以帮助您批量点赞和管理您的 Facebook 账户。

  4. 分批点赞:分批点赞可以帮助您避免 Facebook 的速率限制和避免账户被封禁。

  5. 避免点赞垃圾帖子:避免点赞垃圾帖子或无关的帖子,以免降低您的账户权重和影响力。

  6. 点赞高质量的帖子:点赞高质量的帖子,可以帮助您提高账户的权重和影响力。

  7. 避免点赞太频繁:避免点赞太频繁,以免被 Facebook 认为是 spam 行为。

  8. 监控账户的表现:监控账户的表现,例如点赞率、粉丝增长率等,以调整您的批量点赞策略。

  9. 遵守 Facebook 的政策:遵守 Facebook 的政策和指南,以避免账户被封禁或惩罚。

  10. 使用代理服务器:使用代理服务器可以帮助您避免 Facebook 的速率限制和避免账户被封禁。

需要注意的是,批量点赞需要遵守 Facebook 的政策和指南,以避免账户被封禁或惩罚。同时,批量点赞也需要遵守相关的法律和法规,以避免法律纠纷。

How to Effectively Conduct Bulk Liking?

Conducting bulk liking requires adhering to Facebook's policies and guidelines. Here are some effective bulk liking strategies:

  1. Select Relevant Posts: Select posts that are relevant to your account to increase the relevance and effectiveness of your likes.

  2. Use Facebook's Bulk Operation Tools: Facebook provides bulk operation tools, such as Facebook's bulk liking tool, which can help you quickly like multiple posts.

  3. Use Third-Party Tools: Use third-party tools, such as social media management tools, to help you bulk like and manage your Facebook account.

  4. Like in Batches: Like in batches to avoid Facebook's rate limits and avoid account suspension.

  5. Avoid Liking Low-Quality Posts: Avoid liking low-quality posts or irrelevant posts to prevent lowering your account's weight and influence.

  6. Like High-Quality Posts: Like high-quality posts to increase your account's weight and influence.

  7. Avoid Liking Too Frequently: Avoid liking too frequently to prevent being considered spam behavior by Facebook.

  8. Monitor Account Performance: Monitor your account's performance, such as like rate, follower growth rate, etc., to adjust your bulk liking strategy.

  9. Comply with Facebook's Policies: Comply with Facebook's policies and guidelines to avoid account suspension or penalties.

  10. Use Proxy Servers: Use proxy servers to avoid Facebook's rate limits and avoid account suspension.

Note that bulk liking requires adhering to Facebook's policies and guidelines to avoid account suspension or penalties. Additionally, bulk liking also needs to comply with relevant laws and regulations to avoid legal disputes.

如果需要为您的SNS社媒账号涨粉、筛活、刷播放量、直播间挂铁、打造账号权重提升排名,可联系此服务商:服务涵盖TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Twitch, Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, X, Spotify, LinkedIn及全网和17个主流SNS社媒平台。可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/ajatar(Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!




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