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我们提供国际短信群发的"基站发",We provide internation SMS & MMS bulk sending service.

灰产出海如果使用短信和彩信群发,一定会受到非常严格的限制。所以(14)我们提供国内外短信彩信群发顶级通道,突破批量发送灰产、五类、擦边、成人的限制,真正实现“免审发送”的国际短信和彩信群发服务!成为很多灰产出海营销人员的唯一选择。如果灰产业务出海想要使用 SMS 和 MMS 进行推广,并大量触达国际客户,那么一定会面临多种限制和约束,导致无法发送国际短信和彩信。这时,不妨采用我们的服务:(15)我们提供国际短信通道发送彩信不限国家、不限行业、不限内容,低成本支持全球语言、可发送超链!     

接下来,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|一起来看看国际短信群发的重要发送途径,“基站发”是如何工作的,帮助您加深对我们群发服务的了解。

基站发 (jī zhàn fā) 是一种使用网关或聚合器将 MMS 消息发送到多个移动网络运营商的 SMSC/MMSC 的方法。以下是技术路径的概述:


  1. 网关/聚合器:发送者的系统连接到一个网关或聚合器,该网关或聚合器充当发送者和多个移动网络运营商的 SMSC/MMSC 之间的中间件。

  2. SMPP (短消息对等) 协议:网关或聚合器使用 SMPP 协议连接到移动网络运营商的 SMSC/MMSC。

  3. MMS 消息准备:发送者准备 MMS 消息内容,包括接收者的移动号码、消息体和任何多媒体附件。

  4. MMS 消息提交:发送者将准备好的 MMS 消息提交到网关或聚合器,然后将消息转发到移动网络运营商的 SMSC/MMSC。

  5. SMSC/MMSC 处理:SMSC/MMSC 处理 MMS 消息并将其投递到接收者的移动设备。


以下是一个简单的示例,展示了如何使用网关或聚合器通过 SMPP 协议发送 MMS 消息:



  1. 使用 SMPP 协议连接到多个移动网络运营商的 SMSC/MMSC。

  2. 从发送者接收 MMS 消息提交。

  3. 将 MMS 消息转发到适当的移动网络运营商的 SMSC/MMSC。

  4. 处理投递回执和其他消息相关事件。

网关/聚合器的实现通常涉及编程语言,例如 Python、Java 或 C++,以及提供 SMPP 协议支持的库或框架,例如 Python 中的 smpp 或 Java 中的 jsmpp。 🔍


基站发 (jī zhàn fā) is a method of sending MMS messages in bulk using a gateway or aggregator that connects to multiple mobile network operators' SMSC/MMSC (Short Message Service Center/Multimedia Messaging Service Center) directly. Here's a high-level overview of the technical pathway:

Technical Pathway

  1. Gateway/Aggregator: The sender's system connects to a gateway or aggregator that acts as an intermediary between the sender and multiple mobile network operators' SMSC/MMSC.

  2. SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) Protocol: The gateway/aggregator uses SMPP protocol to connect to the mobile network operators' SMSC/MMSC.

  3. MMS Message Preparation: The sender prepares the MMS message content, including the recipient's mobile number, message body, and any multimedia attachments.

  4. MMS Message Submission: The sender submits the prepared MMS message to the gateway/aggregator, which then forwards the message to the mobile network operator's SMSC/MMSC.

  5. SMSC/MMSC Processing: The SMSC/MMSC processes the MMS message and delivers it to the recipient's mobile device.

Example Code

Here's a simplified example of how a sender might use a gateway/aggregator to send an MMS message using SMPP protocol:

import smpp# Set up SMPP connection to gateway/aggregatorconn = smpp.Connection('gateway.example.com', 2775)# Log in to the gateway/aggregatorconn.bind('sender_username', 'sender_password')# Prepare MMS message contentmessage = {    'source_addr': 'sender_mobile_number',    'destination_addr': 'recipient_mobile_number',    'message_body': 'Hello, World!',    'message_type': 'mms',    'attachments': [        {'filename': 'image.jpg', 'data': b'...image data...'}    ]
}# Submit MMS message to gateway/aggregatorconn.send_message(message)# Close SMPP connectionconn.unbind()

Note that this is a highly simplified example, and actual implementations may vary depending on the specific requirements of the sender, gateway/aggregator, and mobile network operators.

In terms of the gateway/aggregator's implementation, it would typically involve:

  1. Establishing connections to multiple mobile network operators' SMSC/MMSC using SMPP protocol.

  2. Receiving MMS message submissions from senders.

  3. Forwarding the MMS messages to the appropriate mobile network operator's SMSC/MMSC.

  4. Handling delivery receipts and other message-related events.

The gateway/aggregator's implementation would typically involve a combination of programming languages, such as Python, Java, or C++, and libraries or frameworks that provide SMPP protocol support, such as smpp in Python or jsmpp in Java. 🔍

如何联系此批量采集和群发服务商及工具开发者:如需邮件、RCS、国际短信、彩信群发代发,或者TikTok, KakaoTalk, Line, VK, Viber, LinkedIn, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Discord, Skype, SnapChat等媒体的群发或代发DM私信服务,可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/theoglo (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: SMS彩信推广

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