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"Telegram Nearby"附近人批量自动营销工具

Bulk Texter Pro!
-- 功能模块9 全自动自动加附近人和群、批量发送推广消息
-- Module 9 Add TG nearby users & groups to send DM in bulk

We are looking for agents to distribute our software worldwide including 中国!

banner telegram nearby world map.jpg


This is the latest Telegram precision marketing tool developed this year. It can batch collect active Telegram accounts, Telegram groups, and Telegram channels nearby according to the location through the Nearby function of the Telegram application. Then, send your own TG accounts to nearby groups and subscribe channels, automatically collect and filter active accounts of nearby people, group members, and followers of channels. Finally, send promotional messages to the collected Telegram users, groups and channels in batches by our tool. This tool can batch import a large number of own TG accounts, and no code foundation and knowledge are required to deploy and set the above functions.


  • 飞机附近人工具可实现根据地理位置采集海量飞机账号、飞机群、和飞机频道!
    Telegram nearby tool helps you find users, groups or channels around easily!

  • 使用本工具,可以手机并导出海量飞机附近人的用户名、群链接、和频道链接
    Use this bot to extract Telegram users and groups near any location

  • 可以通过经纬度设定极为精确的采集飞机附近人用户的账号、群和频道
    Scrape Telegram "nearby users, groups, channels" via longitude and latitude

  • 每次定位后有多少活跃的飞机账号、群组和频道的数量一目了然
    The numbers of available and active "nearby Telegram accounts, groups, channels" are visible

  • 可通过内置的群发消息功能给这些采集到的附近飞机账号、群、和频道批量发送推广消息
    Can bulk sending DM to extracted Telegram nearby accounts, groups and channels

  • 可通过采集到的”附近人“的飞机账号或者电话号码群发私信
    Can bulk sending DM to  extracted Telegram nearby accounts by their usernames or mobile numbers

  • 强拉群功能,可通过机器人自动批量邀请采集到的”附近人“的飞机账号进入你的自建飞机群或者频道
    Bulk add extracted "Telegram nearby users" to your own Telegram groups and channels

  • 可为群发的DM在本地Sqlite数据库中批量设置不同的消息版本
    Support batch setting messages to local sqlite database

  • 支持群发文本、超链、图片、视频格式的DM
    Support bulk sending DM in typetext, image, and video format

二、通过飞机附近人功能批量自动化营销的特色 Amazing Features

✅ 支持Session, CSV等格式的飞机账号批量导入
✅ Support account login in Session & csv formats
✅ 支持批量登录大量飞机小号
✅ Support mulitiple Telegram account login
✅ 登录海量小号自动完成二步验证
✅ Auto login TG accounts with 2fa verify
✅ 支持自动切换小号减少封号
✅ Support accounts polling avoid being banned

✅ 可用MarkdownV2版本编辑消息版式
✅ DM style editable by MarkdownV2
✅ 消息文本支持编辑粗体、斜体、下划线等
✅ Text format editable by bold, italic, underline

✅  可用大量小号批量加入附近的飞机群
✅  Bulk join nearby Telegram groups
✅  可用大量小号批量加入飞机频道
✅  Bulk join Telegram channels

✅ 可通过任意经纬度采集飞机用户
✅ Extract TG users anywhere by latitude and longitude
✅ 可通过任意经纬度采集飞机群
✅ Extract TG group anywhere by latitude and longitude
✅ 可通过任意经纬度采集飞机群
✅ Extract TG channel anywhere by latitude and longitude

✅ 批量采集”附近人“飞机用户
✅ Bulk extract nearby TG accounts
✅ 批量采集”附近人“飞机群成员
✅ Bulk extract nearby group members
✅ 批量采集”附近人“飞机频道粉丝
✅ Bulk extract nearby channel members

✅ 采集完后群发消息给附近的飞机用户
✅ Bulk send DM to TG nearby users
✅ 采集完后群发消息给附近的飞机群
✅ Bulk send DM to groups nearby
✅ 采集完后群发消息给附近的飞机频道
✅ Bulk send DM to channels nearby

✅  采集完后批量强拉附近的飞机用户入群
✅  Bulk inivte nearby users to your own group
✅  采集完后批量强拉附近的飞机用户入频道
✅  Bulk inivte nearby users to your own channel

✅ 提供私信群发的实时日志
✅ Real time bulk sending logs
✅ 提供强拉飞机群的实时日志
✅ Real time TG group invite logs
✅ 提供强拉飞机频道的实时日志
✅ Real time TG channel invite logs

✅ 提供代理库导入避免封号
✅ Support proxy polling import interface
✅ 支持IP轮询保证小号安全
✅ Support IP rotation for TG accounts safe

✅ 可拟人化设定消息群发的间隔时间
✅ Bulk DM sending delay settings
✅ 可拟人化设定小号强入群的间隔时间
✅ Bulk group join delay settings
✅ 可拟人化设定小号强入频道的间隔时间
✅ Bulk channel join delay settings
✅ 可拟人化设定强拉群的间隔时间
✅ Bulk group invite delay settings
✅ 可拟人化设定强拉频道的间隔时间
✅ Bulk channel invite delay settings

✅ 安装简单无需IT基础
✅ One click Installation

三、TG附近人营销功能演示 Demostration of Bots Features

The tool integrates the precise search function of Telegram accounts, groups, and channels by geographical location; At the same time, it provides the collection function of telegram accounts, group members, and channel subscription accounts; On this basis, it also realizes the productivity of batch sending DM messages to telegram users, telegram groups, and Telegram channels. The main function demonstration is as follows:

1 批量登录大量飞机小号 Login multiple Telegram accounts

Whether it is to search for nearby TG accounts in batches, or to collect nearby user's accounts, or to added collected TG users into self-built Telegram groups, and send messages to the collected TG accounts in batches, a large number of TG accounts are required to take turns to avoid being banned. Therefore, this tool provides the function of batch importing and logging in a large number of your own Telegram accounts. After some TG accounts are banned, according to the quantity setting, multiple log in another batch of sub-accounts to run the task.

01 Telegram multiple accounts manage.png

2 可在登录的所有飞机账号中自由切换 Switch login TG accounts freely

Strongly recommended to set the number of tasks for each account to collect, send messages in batches, and add Telegram users into the group, and deploy the IP library, so as to avoid the blocking of a single account due to too many tasks executed on a single IP.

02 Telegram account switch.png

3 可以用Markdown V2制作群发消息的版式 Customize DM format by Markdown V2

For telegram users collected from different countries, different geographical locations, different races, and different languages, if you use a set of DM message templates for bulk sending, the effect will definitely be unsatisfactory. This tool has a built-in Markdown template edit tool, which can use bold, italic, underline, and provide attachments such as files, image and videos, making your DM messages look more vivid and attractive.

04 customize dm setting_3_4.png

4 设定经纬度搜索并采集附近人的飞机账号 Search & extract TG users by Geo location

By setting the latitude and longitude data, you can search for contact information about Telegram user nearby, including their full name, username, phone number, online status (offline, online, recently, week, month).

05 telegram nearby position.png

5 给采集到的飞机附近人账户群发消息 Bulk DM to extracted Telegram nearby users

After searching for Telegram nearby, filter them based on their account status, such as removing deleted accounts, retaining accounts that have been online within a month, or only collecting recently online accounts. Then use the DM sending function of this tool to send messages to them in batches.

06 07 Telegram send dm to nearby people.png

6 批量邀请附近人到自建飞机群 Invite Telegram nearby users to own groups

After collect Telegram nearby users, our tool will help you add them to your own Telegram groups in bulk.

08 Telegram invite nearby user to your group.png

7 搜索飞机附近群和频道并批量加入 Search Telegram nearby group & channel and join

Using our tool, you can search for telegram groups and channels near a specified location, and then send your own large number of TG accounts to join these groups in batches. At the same time, our tool can help you extract all members and subscribers of these Telegram groups and channels.

09 get nearby telegram group or chnanel member list.png

8 从加入的飞机群批量导出群成员和频道订阅用户 Extract TG group & channel members

After joining the telegram nearby groups and channels, you can export all group members and channel subscribers in batches. The exported information includes: mobile phone number of registered telegram account, telegram username, and all public information.

11 extract Telegram group member list and export user name phone number.png

9 批量给飞机附近群组发送消息 Bulk sending Telegram group nearby

After searching for a large number of telegram groups, you can use this tool to send group messages to these groups in batches.

12 bulk send group messages_副本.png

10 采集飞机附近人的用户名和电话群发消息 Bulk sending DM by TG nearby user & Tel

After collecting a large number of telegram accounts and mobile phone numbers by this tool, you can import these phones or usernames and send DMs to these Telegram users directly.

13 send Telegram message by username or phone numbers.png

11 拟人化操作设置各种工作的时间间隔减少封号 Set interval to avoid being banned

Whether it is bulk sending messages, or add Telegram users into your own groups in batches, or logging in to multiple TG accounts, this tool provides personalized security account settings. In other words, you can set the time interval between actions for each work task. Combined with multi-account polling, it can greatly reduce the possibility of TG accounts being blocked or banned.

14 set Telegram tasks interval.png

如何联系此文章介绍的工具的开发者和服务商如需通过Telegram Nearby工具实现全自动采集附近的飞机用户、批量加附近人为好友和群成员、并给他们群发推广消息,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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