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我们提供在购物车中集成USDT支付通道的开发服务,We provide integrate USDT to cart service!

目前,很多中国灰产出海企业选择使用 USDT(稳定币)作为跨境交易的支付渠道,最大的驱动当然是其匿名和隐私, USDT 是一种加密货币,允许相对匿名的交易,这对灰色市场运营商非常有吸引力,因为他们经常在法律灰色区域中运营。逃避监管,直到今日,加密货币空间大多未受到监管,这使得灰色业务运营人员可以更容易地在不被检测的情况下跨境入金、出金和转移资金。易于使用,USDT 广泛接受并且容易转换为其他加密货币或法币,这使得它成为跨境和出海交易的便捷选择。稳定,USDT 是与美元挂钩的,这提供了一个稳定的currency环境,减少了货币波动的风险和直接汇损。低费率,USDT 交易费率通常低于传统支付系统,如银行电汇或PayPal等支付平台。可访问性,USDT 可以通过各种在线平台轻松获得和转移支付,包括加密货币交易所、钱包和P2P市场。司法裁判权 arbitrage,可以企业可以利用不同国家的监管环境之间的差异,允许他们在一个更为宽松的环境中运营。客户支付便捷,USDT 为客户提供了一种便捷的支付方式, 特别是在一些传统支付系统不可用或受到严格监管的国家。有限的追踪性,虽然 USDT 交易不可完全追踪,但是它们比传统支付方法更难追踪,这使得灰色市场运营商能够维持一定程度的匿名性。行业规范,在灰色市场中,USDT 已经成为跨境交易的 facto 标准,因此许多灰产出海企业已经预期它作为一种支付选项。以上这些因素促成了 USDT 在灰色市场中的流行,但它们并不 condone 或推广非法活动。我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|再次强调,使用 USDT 或任何其他加密货币进行非法活动仍然是非法的,并可能导致严重的法律后果。 🚨

There are several reasons why many Chinese grey market enterprises choose to use USDT (Tether) as a payment channel for their cross-border transactions:

  1. Anonymity and privacy: USDT is a cryptocurrency that allows for relatively anonymous transactions, which is attractive to grey market operators who often operate in a legal grey area.

  2. Lack of regulation: Until recently, the cryptocurrency space was largely unregulated, making it easier for grey market operators to move funds across borders without being detected by authorities.

  3. Ease of use: USDT is widely accepted and easily convertible to other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, making it a convenient choice for cross-border transactions.

  4. Stability: USDT is pegged to the US dollar, which provides a level of stability and reduces the risk of currency fluctuations.

  5. Low fees: Transaction fees for USDT are typically lower than those of traditional payment systems, such as banks or payment processors.

  6. Accessibility: USDT can be easily obtained and transferred through various online platforms, including cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, and peer-to-peer marketplaces.

  7. ** Jurisdictional arbitrage**: By using USDT, grey market operators can take advantage of differences in regulatory environments between countries, allowing them to operate in a more permissive environment.

  8. Convenience for customers: USDT provides a convenient way for customers to make payments, especially in countries where traditional payment systems may not be readily available or are subject to strict regulations.

  9. Limited traceability: While not entirely untraceable, USDT transactions can be more difficult to trace than traditional payment methods, making it appealing to grey market operators who want to maintain a level of anonymity.

  10. Industry norms: In the grey market, USDT has become a de facto standard for cross-border transactions, and many operators have come to expect it as a payment option.

Please note that while these factors contribute to the popularity of USDT among grey market operators, they do not necessarily condone or promote illegal activities. It's essential to emphasize that using USDT or any other cryptocurrency for illegal purposes is still illegal and can result in severe consequences. 🚨

将 USDT 作为购物车支付通道需要整合第三方支付平台,因为 USDT 本身不是一种可直接用于支付的货币,它是一种加密货币,需要通过交易所或支付平台进行兑换。

以下是一些将 USDT 作为购物车支付通道的方案:

1. 使用加密货币支付的第三方平台:

  • CoinPayments: CoinPayments 是一款支持多种加密货币的支付平台,包括 USDT。它可以与你的购物车系统集成,允许用户使用 USDT 进行支付。

  • CoinGate: CoinGate 也是一款支持 USDT 支付的平台,它提供 API 接口,可以与你的购物车系统集成。

  • NOWPayments: NOWPayments 是一款专注于加密货币支付的平台,支持 USDT 以及其他多种加密货币。它提供多种集成方式,包括 API、插件和手动支付链接。


  1. 注册支付平台账号: 在选择的支付平台上注册一个商户账号。

  2. 创建支付按钮: 在支付平台上创建 USDT 支付按钮,并获取支付按钮的代码。

  3. 将支付按钮嵌入购物车: 将支付按钮的代码嵌入你的购物车页面,以便用户可以点击按钮进行支付。

  4. 处理支付结果: 支付平台会将支付结果通知你的系统,你需要根据支付结果更新订单状态。

2. 使用加密货币交易所:

  • Binance: Binance 是世界上最大的加密货币交易所之一,它提供 API 接口,可以与你的购物车系统集成。

  • Coinbase: Coinbase 也是一家知名的加密货币交易所,它也提供 API 接口,可以与你的购物车系统集成。


  1. 注册交易所账号: 在选择的交易所上注册一个商户账号。

  2. 创建支付地址: 在交易所上创建 USDT 支付地址。

  3. 将支付地址嵌入购物车: 将 USDT 支付地址嵌入你的购物车页面,以便用户可以将 USDT 转账到该地址进行支付。

  4. 监控交易所账户: 定期监控交易所账户,检查是否有用户支付的 USDT。

  5. 处理支付结果: 当用户支付的 USDT 到账后,你需要根据支付结果更新订单状态。

3. 使用第三方支付服务:

  • Stripe: Stripe 是一家知名的支付服务提供商,它支持多种支付方式,包括加密货币。

  • PayPal: PayPal 也支持加密货币支付,但需要用户先将 USDT 兑换成法定货币。


  1. 注册支付服务提供商账号: 在选择的支付服务提供商上注册一个商户账号。

  2. 配置支付方式: 在支付服务提供商上配置 USDT 支付方式。

  3. 将支付服务提供商集成到购物车: 将支付服务提供商的 API 或 SDK 集成到你的购物车系统。

  4. 处理支付结果: 支付服务提供商会将支付结果通知你的系统,你需要根据支付结果更新订单状态。


  • 交易手续费: 使用 USDT 作为支付通道会产生交易手续费,你需要将手续费考虑在内。

  • 汇率波动: USDT 的汇率会波动,你需要考虑汇率波动对支付金额的影响。

  • 安全问题: 使用加密货币支付时,需要确保支付平台或交易所的安全可靠,避免资金损失。

与我们开发的USDT支付通道相比,以上这些解决方案最缺乏的是“匿名性”你懂的!我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|将 USDT 作为购物车支付通道、并根据你使用的出海平台的 API 接口进行集成。所以,聪明的出海营销人员会选择将自己的平台和我们的USDT通道集成,享受优惠的交易手续费,避免汇率波动和安全问题,就可以有效地实现 USDT 支付功能了。

Integrating USDT as a payment gateway for your shopping cart requires integrating with a third-party payment platform, as USDT itself is not a currency that can be directly used for payments. It is a cryptocurrency and needs to be exchanged through an exchange or payment platform.

Here are some solutions for integrating USDT as a payment gateway for your shopping cart:

1. Use a cryptocurrency payment platform:

  • CoinPayments: CoinPayments is a payment platform that supports multiple cryptocurrencies, including USDT. It can be integrated with your shopping cart system, allowing users to pay with USDT.

  • CoinGate: CoinGate is also a platform that supports USDT payments. It provides an API interface that can be integrated with your shopping cart system.

  • NOWPayments: NOWPayments is a platform focused on cryptocurrency payments, supporting USDT and other cryptocurrencies. It offers multiple integration methods, including API, plugins, and manual payment links.

Integration steps:

  1. Register for a merchant account: Register a merchant account on the chosen payment platform.

  2. Create a payment button: Create a USDT payment button on the payment platform and get the button code.

  3. Embed the payment button in the shopping cart: Embed the payment button code into your shopping cart page so that users can click the button to pay.

  4. Process payment results: The payment platform will notify your system of the payment result, and you need to update the order status based on the payment result.

2. Use a cryptocurrency exchange:

  • Binance: Binance is one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, and it provides an API interface that can be integrated with your shopping cart system.

  • Coinbase: Coinbase is also a well-known cryptocurrency exchange, and it also provides an API interface that can be integrated with your shopping cart system.

Integration steps:

  1. Register for an exchange account: Register a merchant account on the chosen exchange.

  2. Create a payment address: Create a USDT payment address on the exchange.

  3. Embed the payment address in the shopping cart: Embed the USDT payment address into your shopping cart page so that users can transfer USDT to this address to pay.

  4. Monitor the exchange account: Regularly monitor the exchange account to check for USDT payments from users.

  5. Process payment results: Once the user's USDT payment arrives, you need to update the order status based on the payment result.

3. Use a third-party payment service:

  • Stripe: Stripe is a well-known payment service provider that supports multiple payment methods, including cryptocurrencies.

  • PayPal: PayPal also supports cryptocurrency payments, but users need to convert USDT to fiat currency first.

Integration steps:

  1. Register for a payment service provider account: Register a merchant account on the chosen payment service provider.

  2. Configure payment methods: Configure USDT payment methods on the payment service provider.

  3. Integrate the payment service provider into the shopping cart: Integrate the payment service provider's API or SDK into your shopping cart system.

  4. Process payment results: The payment service provider will notify your system of the payment result, and you need to update the order status based on the payment result.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Transaction fees: Using USDT as a payment gateway will incur transaction fees, which you need to factor in.

  • Exchange rate fluctuations: The exchange rate of USDT will fluctuate, and you need to consider the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the payment amount.

  • Security issues: When using cryptocurrency payments, you need to ensure the security and reliability of the payment platform or exchange to avoid financial losses.


Integrating USDT as a payment gateway for your shopping cart requires integrating with a third-party payment platform or exchange and using their API interfaces. Choose the right platform and integration method, and be aware of transaction fees, exchange rate fluctuations, and security issues to effectively implement USDT payment functionality.

接下来,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|提供在购物车集成USDT支付通道的技术路径,仅供讨论交流用,请勿用于非法用途!


  1. USDT 钱包集成:将 USDT 钱包集成到您的购物车系统中。这将允许客户存储和管理他们的 USDT 令牌。

  2. 支付网关集成:将支持 USDT 交易的支付网关集成到您的购物车系统中,例如 Coinbase Commerce 或 BitPay。

  3. 订单创建:当客户发起支付时,在您的购物车系统中创建一个订单,选择 USDT 支付方式。

  4. USDT 支付请求:生成 USDT 支付请求并将其发送到客户的钱包。

  5. 支付确认:一旦客户确认支付,从支付网关接收支付确认,并更新您的购物车系统中的订单状态。

  6. 订单履行:一旦支付确认,履行订单。


以下是使用 Coinbase Commerce 将 USDT 集成到 Node.js 购物车系统中的示例代码:


USDT 钱包集成示例(Node.js):


请注意,这只是一个示例,您需要根据您的具体使用情况和购物车系统进行调整。此外,您还需要确保遵守所有相关法规和法规时将 USDT 集成到您的购物车系统中。

Here is a technical pathway and example code for integrating USDT as a payment method in a shopping cart:

Technical Pathway:

  1. USDT Wallet Integration: Integrate a USDT wallet into your shopping cart system. This will allow customers to store and manage their USDT tokens.

  2. Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate a payment gateway that supports USDT transactions, such as Coinbase Commerce or BitPay.

  3. Order Creation: When a customer initiates a payment, create an order in your shopping cart system with the USDT payment method selected.

  4. USDT Payment Request: Generate a USDT payment request and send it to the customer's wallet.

  5. Payment Confirmation: Once the customer confirms the payment, receive the payment confirmation from the payment gateway and update the order status in your shopping cart system.

  6. Order Fulfillment: Fulfill the order once the payment is confirmed.

Example Code (Node.js):

Here is an example of integrating USDT as a payment method in a Node.js shopping cart system using Coinbase Commerce:

const express = require('express');const CoinbaseCommerce = require('coinbase-commerce');const app = express();// Set up Coinbase Commerce API credentialsconst apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';const apiSecret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET';const commerce = new CoinbaseCommerce(apiKey, apiSecret);// Set up USDT wallet integrationconst usdtWallet = require('./usdt-wallet');usdtWallet.init();// Create an order with USDT payment methodapp.post('/create-order', (req, res) => {  const order = {    id: uuidv4(),    customer: req.body.customer,    items: req.body.items,    paymentMethod: 'usdt',  };
});// Generate USDT payment requestapp.post('/usdt-payment-request', (req, res) => {  const order = req.body.order;  const paymentRequest = commerce.createPaymentRequest({    name: 'Order Payment',    description: 'Payment for order ' + order.id,    amount: order.total,    currency: 'USDT',  });
});// Handle USDT payment confirmationapp.post('/usdt-payment-confirmation', (req, res) => {  const paymentConfirmation = req.body.paymentConfirmation;  const order = req.body.order;  if (paymentConfirmation.status === 'confirmed') {    // Update order status to "paid"    order.status = 'paid';    res.json(order);  } else {    res.status(400).json({ error: 'Payment failed' });  }
});// Fulfill order once payment is confirmedapp.post('/fulfill-order', (req, res) => {  const order = req.body.order;  if (order.status === 'paid') {    // Fulfill the order    res.json({ message: 'Order fulfilled' });  } else {    res.status(400).json({ error: 'Order not paid' });  }

USDT Wallet Integration Example (Node.js):

const USDTWallet = require('usdt-wallet');const usdtWallet = new USDTWallet({  // Set up USDT wallet API credentials  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',  apiSecret: 'YOUR_API_SECRET',});// Initialize USDT walletusdtWallet.init();// Get USDT wallet balanceusdtWallet.getBalance((err, balance) => {  if (err) {    console.error(err);  } else {    console.log(`USDT wallet balance: ${balance}`);  }
});// Send USDT payment requestusdtWallet.sendPaymentRequest({  amount: 10, // 10 USDT  recipient: ' recipient-address',}, (err, transactionId) => {  if (err) {    console.error(err);  } else {    console.log(`Transaction ID: ${transactionId}`);  }

Note that this is just an example and you will need to adapt it to your specific use case and shopping cart system. Additionally, you will need to ensure that you comply with all relevant regulations and laws when integrating USDT as a payment method.

如何联系各种应用和自动化营销工具的开发者:如需定制开发各种出海应用及自动化工具,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/ajatar (Eng pls)

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