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我们提供VK (VKontakte) 群发服务,精准触达海量俄罗斯和俄语系人群出海业务受众!

VK(VKontakte)是俄罗斯最流行的社交网络和即时通讯平台!这个社交网络站点帮助用户创建个人资料,连接朋友,分享内容和加入社区。它经常被称为“俄罗斯 Facebook”。 VK 还提供即时通讯服务,注册用户可以发送消息,进行语音和视频通话,并分享文件。VK 在俄罗斯和其他俄语国家非常流行。其用户画像的概况是:


  • 55% 的用户年龄在 18-34 岁之间

  • 25% 的用户年龄在 35-44 岁之间

  • 15% 的用户年龄在 45-54 岁之间

  • 5% 的用户年龄在 55 岁或以上


  • 55% 的用户是男性

  • 45% 的用户是女性


  • 70% 的用户来自俄罗斯

  • 15% 的用户来自乌克兰

  • 5% 的用户来自白俄罗斯

  • 5% 的用户来自其他国家(包括哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦等)


  • 音乐、电影和电视节目

  • 运动(足球、冰球、篮球)

  • 旅游和旅游

  • 食品和烹饪

  • 时尚和美容

  • 技术和数码产品


  • 80% 的用户每天访问 VK

  • 60% 的用户每天在 VK 上花费 1-2 小时

  • 40% 的用户使用 VK 来与朋友和家人保持联系

  • 30% 的用户使用 VK 来关注新闻和时事

  • 20% 的用户使用 VK 来寻找新朋友或浪漫伴侣


  • VK 用户重视社交联系和社区

  • 他们对娱乐、休闲和生活方式内容感兴趣

  • 他们是技术熟练的,喜欢使用数字平台来社交和获取信息

  • 他们对平台忠诚,经常使用它作为主要的沟通方式


  • 品牌可以根据年龄、兴趣爱好和行为来 target VK 的用户群体

  • VK 提供了多种广告格式,包括显示广告、视频广告和赞助内容

  • 品牌可以使用 VK 的即时通讯服务来创建机器人,提供客户支持,并与客户直接交流

  • 品牌可以与 VK 上的流行影响者或内容创建者合作,以扩大受众面

(1)采集海量Facebook Instagram用户&红人 + 群发DM推广服务!           (2)Telegram群发DM私信服务,可5万条起尝试效果!(1)WhatsApp群发&代发服务;           (3)真机+实体号矩阵WhatsApp群发服务助力灰产&擦边行业日发DM消息500万条不受限!           (4)WhatsApp群发服务:客户端后台自助操作指南;            (5)我们提供 KakaoTalk 群发服务,精准触达海量日韩出海业务受众!

VK (VKontakte) is a popular Russian social networking and instant messaging platform! 🇷🇺

What is VK?

VK is a social networking site that allows users to create profiles, connect with friends, share content, and join communities. It's often referred to as the "Russian Facebook". VK also offers an instant messaging service, allowing users to send messages, make voice and video calls, and share files.

VK User Demographics:

VK is extremely popular in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. Here's a breakdown of VK's user demographics:


  • 55% of users are between 18 and 34 years old

  • 25% of users are between 35 and 44 years old

  • 15% of users are between 45 and 54 years old

  • 5% of users are 55 years old or older


  • 55% of users are male

  • 45% of users are female


  • 70% of users are from Russia

  • 15% of users are from Ukraine

  • 5% of users are from Belarus

  • 5% of users are from other countries (including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and others)


  • Music, movies, and TV shows

  • Sports (football, hockey, basketball)

  • Travel and tourism

  • Food and cooking

  • Fashion and beauty

  • Technology and gadgets


  • 80% of users access VK daily

  • 60% of users spend 1-2 hours on VK daily

  • 40% of users use VK to stay in touch with friends and family

  • 30% of users use VK to follow news and current events

  • 20% of users use VK to find new friends or romantic partners


  • VK users value social connections and community

  • They are interested in entertainment, leisure, and lifestyle content

  • They are tech-savvy and enjoy using digital platforms for socializing and staying informed

  • They are loyal to the platform and often use it as a primary means of communication

Marketing Implications:

  • Brands can target specific age groups, interests, and behaviors to reach their desired audience on VK

  • VK offers a range of advertising formats, including display ads, video ads, and sponsored content

  • Brands can leverage VK's instant messaging service to create chatbots, offer customer support, and engage with customers directly

  • Brands can partner with popular VK influencers or content creators to reach a wider audience

Overall, VK is an essential platform for reaching Russian-speaking audiences, particularly in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. By understanding VK's user demographics, interests, and behaviors, brands can develop effective marketing strategies to engage with this valuable audience.


  1. VK API:VK 提供了官方 API,允许您访问和操作用户数据,包括发送私人消息。您需要在 VK 的开发者平台注册应用程序并获取访问令牌。

  2. VK 机器人:您可以创建 VK 机器人,以便代表您的应用程序发送消息。机器人是专门的账户,可以与用户交互并执行特定任务。

  3. 长轮询 API:VK 的长轮询 API 允许您实时接收更新,包括新消息、评论和其他事件。您可以使用该 API 发送消息给用户。

  4. VK 脚本:VK 脚本是一种基于 JavaScript 的语言,允许您为 VK 机器人创建自定义脚本。您可以使用 VK 脚本来自动发送消息和其他任务。



注意: VK 对于垃圾邮件和群发消息有严格的政策。确保遵守他们的服务条款和指南,以免您的机器人或应用程序被阻止。


  • VK 解析器:一个 JavaScript 库,帮助您解析 VK 的 API 响应和操作用户数据。

  • VK SDK:VK 的软件开发工具包,提供了一组工具和库来开发 VK 应用程序。

  • 第三方服务:有多个第三方服务提供 VK 群发消息功能,例如 VK Messenger 和 VK 批量Messenger。请 thận重使用这些服务,因为它们可能违反 VK 的服务条款。

请记住,始终遵守 VK 的指南和服务条款,以免您的机器人或应用程序被阻止。

VK is a popular social networking platform in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. Mass messaging on VK can be a bit more complex than on other platforms, but I'll outline the technical path for you:

Technical Solution to VK bulk sending:

  1. VK API: VK provides an official API for developers, which allows you to access and manipulate user data, including sending private messages. You'll need to register an application on VK's developer platform and obtain an access token.

  2. ** VK Bot**: You can create a VK bot to send messages on behalf of your application. Bots are specialized accounts that can interact with users and perform specific tasks.

  3. Long Poll API: VK's Long Poll API allows you to receive updates in real-time, including new messages, comments, and other events. You can use this API to send messages to users.

  4. VK Script: VK Script is a JavaScript-based language that allows you to create custom scripts for your VK bot. You can use VK Script to automate message sending and other tasks.

Note: VK has strict policies against spamming and mass messaging. Make sure to comply with their terms of service and guidelines to avoid having your bot or application blocked.

Additional Tools and Services:

  • VK Parser: A JavaScript library that helps you parse VK's API responses and work with user data.

  • VK SDK: A software development kit for VK that provides a set of tools and libraries for developing VK applications.

  • Third-party services: There are several third-party services that offer VK mass messaging capabilities, such as VK Messenger and VK Bulk Messenger. Be cautious when using these services, as they may violate VK's terms of service.

Remember to always follow VK's guidelines and terms of service when sending messages to users. Mass messaging can be considered spamming if not done correctly, and you may risk having your bot or application blocked.

(1)出售Instagram账号;群发用的协议号、小白号、全参号;精聊用的稳定老号一网打尽!           (2)大量出售飞机直登号, 各个国家都有欢迎批发!Telegram Tdata | Session + Json Accounts Wholesale!!           (3)1500万个真人飞机号,从博彩数字货币等飞机群采集到的活跃账号,可强制拉入你的自建Telegram群和频道!           (5)定制 WhatsApp 协议号:除了 Hash 和 Channel 格式,还有哪些格式的 WhatsApp 协议号?           (6)出售WhatsApp 协议号(频道 Channel 账号格式)!             (7)出售WS协议号(Hash格式)!WhatsApp 协议号格式是怎样的?如何实现 WhatsApp 哈希协议号的登录?           (8) WhatsApp 协议号:除了 Hash 和 Channel 格式,还有哪些格式的 WhatsApp 协议号可以定制?           (9)Telegram批量注册出来的协议号有哪些格式可供选择?           (10)出售 Instagram 协议号!支持安卓端和网页端批量登录格式定制!    (11)用于发送 Telegram DM 的飞机协议、即协议小号有哪些格式?

Example Code (JavaScript)

// Import VK API libraryconst vk = require('vk-api');// Set up your VK bot credentialsconst token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN';const botId = 'YOUR_BOT_ID';// Initialize VK API clientconst client = new vk(token, botId);// Define the message to be sentconst message = {  'peer_id': 'USER_ID', // Replace with the user's ID  'message': 'Hello from VK!'};// Send the message using the VK APIclient.messages.send(message)  .then(response => {    console.log('Message sent successfully!');  })  .catch(error => {    console.error('Error sending message:', error);  });

如何联系此批量采集和群发服务商:如需KakaoTalk, Line, VK, Viber, LinkedIn, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Discord, Skype, SnapChat等媒体的群发或代发DM私信服务,可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/theoglo (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, includingCHINA!

标签: VK推广