在群发WhatsApp消息的时候,如果要实现发送超链(hyperlink)或者按钮(button),通常需要使用Business API。但是,如果使用WhatsApp API去群发,敏感内容的群发根本无法实现,具体原因可参考: (2)使用官方的WhatsApp API去群发开发信和推广信息根本不可能!!至于哪些行业和产品属于敏感内容,可以在这里具体查询:(1)WhatsApp Business Api禁止开户的全行业清单,灰产擦边人群尝试通过API做群发!不要浪费钱肯定发不出去!
而我们的(1)WhatsApp群发&代发服务,可以不限行业、不限内容、不限数量的发送超链和按钮:(2)真机+实体号矩阵WhatsApp群发服务助力灰产&擦边行业日发DM消息500万条不受限! 当然,相比传统的仅可发送text文本消息的WhatsApp群发,批量发送超链和按钮的成本略贵。
WhatsApp批量发送HLR(Hyperlapse)和按钮,其常规的技术路线和示例代码一般是按照下面的描述:WhatsApp批量发送富媒体内容,如HLR(Hyperlapse)和按钮,需要WhatsApp Business API批准的业务电话号码和WhatsApp Business解决方案提供商(BSP),如Twilio、Nexmo或MessageBird。为什么使用Ws官方的API去群发会各种受限,而我们的真机可视化群发技术能够群发“三不限”呢?(1)我们提供送达率最高的WhatsApp超链按钮群发服务,可代发、也可提供用户后台自发,不限内容日发百万、诚信服务绝无扣量! 以下是我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|技术路线的概述:
1. 注册或者升级WhatsApp Business Accounts:
通过Facebook Developer Portal申请WhatsApp Business Accounts批准的业务电话号码。
2. 选择WhatsApp BSP:
选择支持富媒体内容的WhatsApp BSP,如Twilio、Nexmo或MessageBird。
3. 设置消息平台:
使用BSP提供的SDK与WhatsApp API进行交互。
4. 准备富媒体内容:
5. 发送WhatsApp消息富媒体内容:
以下是使用Twilio的WhatsApp SDK在Node.js中发送WhatsApp消息富媒体内容和按钮的示例代码:
注意,这只是一个示例代码,根据具体用例和BSP的SDK要求需要进行必要的调整。当然,发送的内容需要严格遵守WhatsApp的业务政策和指南,才能发送富媒体内容的消息,包括超链和行动按钮。一旦你的内容敏感,肯定会被限制和立即封号:(3)WhatsApp DM & SMS短信群发代发真的能够不限行业、发送全球、不受任何限制吗?
WhatsApp bulk sending with rich media content like HLR (Hyperlapse) and buttons requires a WhatsApp Business API approved business phone number and a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) like Twilio, Nexmo, or MessageBird. Here's a high-level overview of the technical roadmap:
1. Register for WhatsApp Business API:
Apply for a WhatsApp Business API approved business phone number through the Facebook Developer Portal.
Verify your business phone number and obtain a unique API key.
2. Choose a WhatsApp BSP:
Select a WhatsApp BSP like Twilio, Nexmo, or MessageBird that supports rich media content.
Create an account, obtain an API key, and set up a WhatsApp sandbox environment.
3. Set up a messaging platform:
Choose a messaging platform like Node.js, Python, or Java to send WhatsApp messages.
Use a messaging library or SDK provided by the BSP to interact with the WhatsApp API.
4. Prepare rich media content:
Create HLR (Hyperlapse) content using a video editing tool or library.
Design and create buttons with text and URLs.
5. Send WhatsApp messages with rich media content:
Use the messaging platform and BSP's SDK to send WhatsApp messages with HLR content and buttons.
Here's an example code in Node.js using Twilio's WhatsApp SDK to send a WhatsApp message with HLR content and buttons:
Note that this code is just an example and you should adjust it according to your specific use case and BSP's SDK requirements. Additionally, ensure you comply with WhatsApp's business policies and guidelines when sending messages with rich media content.
所以,如果需要不受限制的发送超链和CTA行动按钮,可以与我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk001|联系,购买超链群发服务:(4)WhatsApp群发服务:客户端后台自助操作指南。
如何联系此批量采集和群发服务商:如需邮件、RCS、国际短信、彩信群发代发,或者TikTok, KakaoTalk, Line, VK, Viber, LinkedIn, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Discord, Skype, SnapChat等媒体的群发或代发DM私信服务,可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/theoglo (Eng pls)
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