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我们提供Ws群发服务,We provide WhatsApp bulk sending service! 我们是如何提供唯一的硬件ID避免因为硬件关联而导致的批量死号和群发失败?

对于实现WhatsApp群发而言,登录Ws小号的硬件身份ID必须唯一化。在用这些小号发送消息时,账号硬件身份的随机化也是基本要求。否则,一定会导致这些Ws账号"关联"。最后,不但群发失败,还会导致大量号码同时被封禁。那么,在通过使用大量的实体手机和真实手机号码去做Ws群发的时候,为什么保证硬件ID不关联会特别重要?另外,如何避免管理这么多手机不会因为“设备关联”而导致大量封号呢?为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入的了解我们的Ws群发服务:(1)我们提供送达率最高的WhatsApp超链按钮群发服务,可代发、也可提供用户后台自发,不限内容日发百万、诚信服务绝无扣量!接下来对在使用大量的 实体手机和真实手机号码 进行 WhatsApp 大规模消息时,硬件ID(Hardware ID) 为什么如此重要,做出技术分析:WhatsApp 通过设备的硬件ID(如 IMEIMAC地址设备序列号 等)来识别和监控设备的行为。如果多个WhatsApp账号被检测到使用相同或相似的硬件ID,WhatsApp很可能将这些账号关联在一起,认为它们是批量操作或自动化操作,从而触发封号机制,用于消息群发的设备和账号都会被封禁,导致群发失败。为了避免因“设备关联”而导致大量封号,在管理众多设备时,需要采取以下措施:

1. 硬件ID随机化与唯一化

每个设备的硬件ID必须是唯一的,以避免WhatsApp将多个账号关联到同一个设备上。以下是确保硬件ID唯一化的关键措施: 我们提供Ws群发服务,We provide WhatsApp bulk sending service! 我们开发的唯一的硬件ID应用可避免因为硬件关联而导致的批量死号和群发失败。

  • IMEI号的唯一性:每台手机都有一个独立的IMEI号(国际移动设备标识号),这是设备的唯一标识符之一。确保每台设备的IMEI号是唯一的,可以通过使用真实的实体手机来实现。如果使用虚拟设备(如安卓模拟器),需要通过专门的软件工具来生成和随机化IMEI号。

  • MAC地址的随机化:MAC地址是设备中网络接口的唯一标识符。如果多个设备或虚拟机使用相同的MAC地址,会引发设备关联。因此,所有设备的MAC地址应是随机且唯一的。某些工具可以帮助随机生成或修改MAC地址,以避免设备关联。

  • 设备序列号的随机化:设备序列号是另一个硬件标识符,通常与设备制造商相关。类似IMEI号和MAC地址,设备序列号也需要随机化,确保每台设备的序列号是唯一的。

  • 安卓ID的修改:如果使用的是安卓设备,WhatsApp也可能通过Android ID来识别设备。因此,确保每台安卓设备的Android ID是独立且随机的尤为重要。可以使用一些安卓工具来修改Android ID。

2. 避免使用同一设备上的多个账号


3. IP地址与网络环境的隔离


4. 分散设备的地理位置


5. 行为的随机化与模拟


  • 发送频率控制:每个设备的消息发送频率应是随机的,避免所有设备同时发送大量消息。每台设备每天的消息发送量应控制在适当范围内(如100-200条),并且不同设备之间的发送频率和时间间隔应有所区别。

  • 操作的多样化:除了发送消息,设备还应进行其他正常的用户操作,如滚动聊天界面、查看消息、打开链接、回复消息等。这些行为可以通过自动化工具模拟,以让WhatsApp认为设备是由真人操作。(2)使用官方的WhatsApp API去群发开发信和推广信息根本不可能!! 

  • 分时段发送:避免所有设备同时发送消息,应该将发送任务分散到不同的时间段。例如,某些设备可以在白天发送,另一些设备则在夜晚进行操作,模拟正常用户的使用习惯。

6. 账号的预热与健康度保持


  • 逐步增加发送量:新账号注册后的前几天不应立即进行大规模群发,而是逐步增加发送量。例如,前几天每天只发送少量消息,然后逐步增加到正常的发送量。

  • 与联系人互动:在进行群发操作之前,先与一些真实的联系人进行互动(如发送消息、回复、查看状态等),让账号看起来像是正常使用的账号。(1)WhatsApp Business Api禁止开户的全行业清单,灰产擦边人群尝试通过API做群发!不要浪费钱肯定发不出去!

  • 避免发送相同内容:如果所有账号都在短时间内发送相同的消息内容,WhatsApp很容易检测到批量操作。因此,消息内容应尽量多样化,可以通过模板系统插入动态变量(如姓名、地点等),让每条消息看起来有所不同。

7. 使用自动化管理工具


  • 设备管理与分配:工具应支持管理大量设备与账号的功能,能够为每台设备分配独立的任务和网络环境,确保每台设备的发送行为是独立且随机的。

  • 全自动化操作:工具应支持全自动化操作,包括消息的发送频率控制、行为模拟、账号切换等。这样可以减少人工干预,降低操作失误引发的封号风险。

  • 封号检测与应对:工具应具备封号检测功能,能够及时发现账号被封禁的情况,并快速切换到备用账号继续发送任务,确保业务不中断。

在通过大量实体手机和真实手机号码进行WhatsApp bulk sending时,硬件ID 确实非常重要,因为WhatsApp通过设备ID来识别和关联设备。为了避免因“设备关联”导致大量封号,需要:(16)我们提供Ws群发服务,We provide Whatsapp Mass messaging service! 我们为什么使用大量的Ws小号轮发避免批量死号实现日发百万不受限!

  1. 硬件ID的随机化与唯一化:确保每台设备的IMEI号、MAC地址、设备序列号等是唯一的,避免设备关联。

  2. IP地址与网络隔离:每台设备应使用独立的住宅IP,并定期切换IP,确保设备之间的网络环境是分散的。

  3. 地理位置分散:通过使用分布在不同地区的IP地址或VPN,模拟设备的地理位置分布,降低设备关联的风险。

  4. 行为的随机化与模拟:控制每台设备的发送频率,模拟真实用户的操作行为,避免批量发送时的异常行为被检测。

  5. 账号的预热与健康度保持:新账号应逐步增加发送量,先进行预热,避免立即进行大规模群发。

  6. 使用自动化管理工具:自动化工具可以帮助高效管理设备和账号,避免设备关联,并及时应对封号风险。


When using a large number of physical phones and real phone numbers for WhatsApp bulk sending, the hardware ID is indeed very important. WhatsApp uses the hardware ID of devices (such as IMEI, MAC address, device serial number, etc.) to identify and monitor the behavior of devices. If multiple WhatsApp accounts are detected using the same or similar hardware IDs, WhatsApp is likely to associate these accounts together, suspecting bulk or automated activity, which could trigger account bans.

To avoid "device association" leading to mass account bans while managing many devices, the following measures should be taken:

1. Randomization and Uniqueness of Hardware ID

Each device's hardware ID must be unique to prevent WhatsApp from associating multiple accounts with the same device. Here are the key steps to ensure hardware ID uniqueness:

  • Unique IMEI numbers: Each phone has a unique IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number, which is one of the primary identifiers of the device. Ensure that each device has a unique IMEI number, which can be done by using real physical phones. If using virtual devices (like Android emulators), specialized software tools can be used to generate and randomize IMEI numbers.

  • Randomized MAC address: The MAC address is the unique identifier for the network interface of a device. If multiple devices or virtual machines share the same MAC address, it can lead to device association. Therefore, all devices’ MAC addresses should be randomized and unique. Some tools can help generate or modify MAC addresses to avoid device association.

  • Randomized device serial number: The device serial number is another hardware identifier, often linked to the manufacturer. Like IMEI and MAC addresses, the device serial number should be randomized, ensuring each device has a unique serial number.

  • Modifying Android ID: If using Android devices, WhatsApp may also identify the device through the Android ID. Ensure that each Android device has a unique and randomized Android ID. Android tools can be used to modify this ID.

2. Avoid Using Multiple Accounts on the Same Device

WhatsApp will use the hardware ID to check the uniqueness of the device. If multiple WhatsApp accounts are running on the same device and exhibit similar behavior, WhatsApp may suspect these accounts are operated by the same user, triggering account bans. Therefore, each device should preferably be bound to only one WhatsApp account, avoiding the login of multiple accounts on the same device.

3. IP Address and Network Environment Segregation

Even if hardware IDs are unique, WhatsApp can still detect associations between devices through the network environment. If multiple devices share the same IP address, WhatsApp may suspect an association between these devices. Therefore, ensuring that each device uses a different IP address is crucial.

  • Use of residential IPs: Residential IPs are less likely to trigger WhatsApp detection compared to data center IPs. By using a large pool of residential IPs and assigning each device a different IP address, the risk of device association is reduced.

  • Dynamic IP switching: To further reduce risk, dynamic proxies (such as mobile networks or VPNs) can be used to regularly change the IP address of each device. The IP addresses should simulate normal user behavior (e.g., switching between Wi-Fi networks or 4G networks).

4. Geographical Distribution of Devices

WhatsApp may detect bulk sending activities by checking the geographical location of devices. If all devices are concentrated in one location and exhibit dense sending behavior, WhatsApp may trigger account bans. Therefore, distributing the geographical location of devices can reduce the risk of bulk operation detection:

  • Distributed IP addresses: Ensure that IP addresses are not only different but also distributed across different geographical locations, particularly in target markets (such as Southeast Asia, Latin America). Using local residential IP addresses in these regions can make the sending activities appear more legitimate.

  • Proxy servers and VPNs: Use VPNs or proxy servers to simulate different countries or regions' network environments. By distributing the network environment of devices globally, WhatsApp is more likely to believe that these devices are operated by different users in different locations.

5. Randomization and Simulation of Behavior

Even if hardware IDs and network environments are well segregated, WhatsApp will still detect account behavior patterns to determine whether bulk sending is occurring. Therefore, ensuring that each device's actions are randomized and simulate real user behavior is crucial.

  • Control sending frequency: The message-sending frequency of each device should be random to avoid all devices sending a large number of messages simultaneously. The daily message volume for each device should be controlled within a reasonable range (e.g., 100-200 messages per day), and the sending frequency and time intervals should vary between devices.

  • Diversification of actions: In addition to sending messages, the devices should perform other normal user actions, such as scrolling through conversations, reading messages, opening links, replying to messages, etc. These actions can be simulated using automation tools to make WhatsApp believe that the devices are operated by real people.

  • Staggered sending times: Avoid having all devices send messages at the same time; instead, spread out the sending tasks across different time periods. For example, some devices can send messages during the day, while others operate at night, simulating normal user usage patterns.

6. Warming Up Accounts and Maintaining Account Health

WhatsApp is highly sensitive to new accounts, so newly registered accounts should be used with caution, avoiding immediate bulk messaging operations. New accounts need a "warm-up" period:

  • Gradually increase sending volume: In the first few days after registration, new accounts should not immediately engage in bulk messaging but gradually increase the volume. For example, only send a small number of messages in the first few days, then gradually increase to a normal sending volume.

  • Interact with contacts: Before engaging in bulk sending, first interact with some real contacts (e.g., sending messages, replying, viewing status), making the account appear as if it is being used normally.

  • Avoid sending identical content: If all accounts are sending the same message content in a short period, WhatsApp can easily detect bulk activity. Therefore, message content should be diversified as much as possible. A template system can be used to insert dynamic variables (such as name, location) into messages, making each message appear different.

7. Use of Automation Management Tools

To manage a large number of physical phones and WhatsApp accounts, automation management tools are essential. A good automation management tool can help avoid device association and efficiently manage bulk sending tasks:

  • Device management and allocation: The tool should support managing a large number of devices and accounts, allowing tasks and network environments to be assigned to each device, ensuring each device's sending behavior is independent and randomized.

  • Full automation: The tool should support full automation, including controlling message-sending frequency, simulating user behavior, and switching between accounts. This reduces human intervention and the risk of operational mistakes that could lead to account bans.

  • Ban detection and response: The tool should have ban detection capabilities, allowing it to quickly detect when an account is banned and switch to a backup account to continue sending tasks, ensuring continuous operation.

When using a large number of physical phones and real phone numbers for WhatsApp bulk sending, the hardware ID is indeed very important because WhatsApp uses device IDs to identify and associate devices. To avoid mass bans due to "device association," you need to:

  1. Randomize and ensure the uniqueness of hardware IDs: Ensure each device's IMEI, MAC address, and device serial number are unique to avoid device association.

  2. Segregate IP addresses and network environments: Each device should use a unique residential IP and regularly switch IPs to ensure devices are isolated.

  3. Distribute geographical locations: Use IP addresses from different regions or VPNs to simulate the geographical distribution of devices, reducing the risk of device association.

  4. Randomize and simulate behavior: Control the sending frequency for each device, simulate real user actions, and avoid suspicious bulk messaging behavior.

  5. Warm-up and maintain account health: Gradually increase sending volume for new accounts and interact with contacts to make the accounts appear legitimate.

  6. Use automation management tools: Automation tools can help efficiently manage devices and accounts, avoid device association, and quickly respond to bans. (1)我们提供送达率最高的WhatsApp超链按钮群发服务,可代发、也可提供用户后台自发,不限内容日发百万、诚信服务绝无扣量!

By following these measures, you can effectively reduce the risk of device association leading to account bans and achieve stable large-scale WhatsApp messaging.

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标签: WhatsApp工具

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