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我们提供 YouTube 直播间"挂铁"和“打赏”的工具和服务,为何在 YouTube 算法中直播间数据对于获取自然流推流的十分重要!

在 YouTube 直播间自动发送虚拟礼物或打赏、及通过“挂铁”打造直播间数据,对提高直播间的权重和自然流推流有诸多好处。我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk001|提供 YouTube 直播间"挂铁"的工具和服务。那么为何在 YouTube 算法中,直播间数据对于获取自然流推流的非常重要呢?逻辑很简单,如果你的直播间中观众的观看时间时长、频繁发送虚拟礼物和打赏,就意味着观众的互动数据优秀。从油管直播观众的角度,这种互动可以带来聊天活动增加,使直播间看起来更热闹。一个热闹的直播间会带动其他观众参与,发送他们自己的打赏或消息,进一步拉高直播间的互动数据。YouTube 的算法偏好推送高互动和观众参与度的直播间。也就是说有频繁互动的直播更有可能被 YouTube 的推荐系统推广。增加的活动可以使直播在搜索结果和推荐中排名更高。从平台收益来看,直播间的打赏可以鼓励其他观众贡献,形成滚雪球效应。而且在观众眼中,一个有频打赏的直播间看起来更有信誉和人气。YouTube平台与其他平台不同的是,观众的FOMO(错失恐惧症)更加明显。也就是说,观众可能会觉得自己错过了参与一个受欢迎活动的机会,更可能加入并参与。因为 YouTube 的算法偏好具有高观众互动的直播,所以我们在挂铁后,有更多发送虚拟礼物或打赏时,它会增加直播的互动指标,直接带来更有可能被推荐给其他用户的机会,还有获得推荐中的更高位置,甚至出现在热门页面上,进一步增加可见性。无论是在 TikTok, 还是其他平台上,通过我们的挂铁:提供 Twitch 出海推广服务:买视频和频道的播放量、买粉、直播间挂铁服务!和打赏服务:购买Twitch直播间"挂铁"服务,通过控制直播间人数和驻留时长,获取更多平台推流!都可以带来直播间权重显著的提升,通过提升这些指标,主播可以提高他们直播间在 YouTube 等直播平台上的排名,吸引更多观众,并为观众创造一个更具吸引力和互动性的体验。

Automating the process of sending virtual gifts or donations (referred to as "挂铁" in Chinese) in a YouTube live stream can have several benefits for boosting the stream's visibility and ranking. Here are some of the potential advantages:

Benefits of Automating Virtual Gifts/Donations

1. Increased Engagement

Sending virtual gifts or donations frequently can increase viewer engagement. This engagement can lead to:

  • Higher chat activity, making the stream appear more lively.

  • Encouraging other viewers to participate and send their own donations or messages.

2. Enhanced Visibility

YouTube's algorithm favors content that shows high levels of interaction and viewer engagement. Benefits include:

  • Algorithm Boost: Streams with frequent interactions, such as donations, are more likely to be promoted by YouTube's recommendation system.

  • Higher Ranking: Increased activity can result in the stream appearing higher in search results and recommendations.

3. Monetary Benefits

While the primary goal might be to increase visibility, frequent donations can also have direct financial benefits:

  • Revenue Generation: Regular donations contribute to the streamer's revenue, which can be reinvested into improving the stream quality.

  • Incentives for Viewers: Visible donations can encourage other viewers to contribute, creating a snowball effect.

4. Social Proof

When viewers see others donating, it can create a sense of social proof:

  • Building Credibility: A stream with frequent donations can appear more credible and popular.

  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Viewers might feel they are missing out on being part of a popular event and may be more likely to join and participate.

5. Streamer Motivation

Consistent donations can boost a streamer's motivation and morale:

  • Encouragement: Regular support can encourage the streamer to continue producing content and improve their streaming quality.

  • Content Improvement: Financial support can be used to invest in better equipment and resources, leading to improved content.

How It Works

Increased Engagement and Interaction

YouTube's algorithm favors live streams that have high viewer interaction. When viewers send virtual gifts or donations, it increases the interaction metrics of the stream, such as:

  • Chat Activity: More messages in the chat.

  • Viewer Retention: Viewers may stay longer to see the reactions and acknowledgments of their donations.

Enhanced Algorithmic Visibility

Streams with high engagement are more likely to be recommended to other users. This can result in:

  • Higher Placement in Recommendations: Streams with frequent donations may be featured more prominently in YouTube's recommended videos.

  • Trending Page: High-interaction streams have a higher chance of appearing on trending pages, further increasing visibility.

Social Proof and Psychological Impact

When viewers see others donating, it creates social proof and can lead to:

  • Increased Donations: Viewers might be more inclined to donate if they see others doing the same.

  • Community Building: A stream with active donations can foster a sense of community and belonging among viewers.

Example Scenario

Imagine a live stream where automated scripts send small donations at regular intervals. The stream might experience:

  • Increased Viewer Interaction: Viewers see frequent donations and might join the conversation or send their own donations.

  • Higher Visibility: YouTube's algorithm detects the high interaction rate and promotes the stream to a broader audience.

  • Monetary Gains: The streamer receives a steady flow of donations, which can be reinvested into improving the stream quality.

Automating the process of sending virtual gifts or donations in a YouTube live stream can have significant benefits, including increased engagement, enhanced visibility, financial gains, and social proof. By boosting these metrics, streamers can improve their stream's ranking on YouTube, attract more viewers, and create a more engaging and interactive experience for their audience.

在YouTube Live中“挂铁”(即机器人或者真人观众入场、发送大量的虚拟礼物或打赏),通常是通过自动化脚本或工具完成的。实现这一功能需要通过YouTube的API接口进行认证和操作。接下来我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk001|将提供技术路径说明和示例代码,以帮助出海人士更加了解什么是挂铁服务。


1. 获取YouTube API Key

首先,您需要申请YouTube API Key。这是访问YouTube数据API所必需的。步骤如下:

  1. 访问Google Cloud Platform Console。

  2. 创建一个新的项目。

  3. 导航到API和服务 > 凭据。

  4. 创建API密钥。

  5. 启用YouTube Data API v3。

2. OAuth 2.0认证

由于涉及用户敏感操作,您需要通过OAuth 2.0进行用户认证和授权。这包括以下步骤:

  1. 创建OAuth 2.0客户端ID。

  2. 获取用户同意后获得的授权码。

  3. 通过授权码获取访问令牌。

3. 调用YouTube Live API

使用获得的访问令牌调用YouTube Live API接口来发送虚拟礼物或打赏。这涉及到以下几个步骤:

  1. 获取直播间ID。

  2. 获取直播聊天室ID。

  3. 发送虚拟礼物或打赏。

4. 自动化处理



以下示例代码使用Python和YouTube Live API实现自动化发送虚拟礼物或打赏的功能。



pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client






YouTube API目前不直接支持发送虚拟礼物,但可以通过发送超级聊天消息(Super Chat)来实现类似的效果。以下是发送超级聊天消息的示例代码:





通过上述步骤,您就可以实现自动化发送YouTube Live超级聊天消息的功能。关键在于获取正确的API权限,并合理控制发送频率以避免触发反垃圾机制。完整的实现需要考虑各种异常情况,确保发送过程的稳定性和成功率。


  1. 合规使用:通过技术手段规避油管服务器的反垃圾检测。

  2. 频率控制:避免频繁发送消息导致账号被封禁。

  3. 账号安全:需要购买大量的“小号”轮流入场,防止账号死号或者导致直播间被封禁。我们提供 YouTube 红人博主"料子"及批量采集工具,怎样批量采集油管红人的联系方式和频道资料?

通过上述技术路径和示例代码,您可以在技术上实现YouTube Live自动化“挂铁”的功能。如果有其他问题,可加入我们的|飞机频道:t.me/qunfatech|继续沟通讨论。

Automating the process of sending virtual gifts or donations (commonly referred to as "挂铁" in Chinese) on YouTube Live typically involves using scripts or tools to interact with YouTube's API. This guide will provide a detailed technical roadmap and example code to help you automate sending virtual gifts or donations.

Technical Roadmap

1. Obtain YouTube API Key

First, you need to apply for a YouTube API Key, which is necessary to access the YouTube Data API. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.

  2. Create a new project.

  3. Navigate to API & Services > Credentials.

  4. Create an API key.

  5. Enable the YouTube Data API v3.

2. OAuth 2.0 Authentication

Since this involves sensitive user operations, you need to authenticate and authorize users through OAuth 2.0. This involves the following steps:

  1. Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID.

  2. Obtain an authorization code after getting user consent.

  3. Use the authorization code to obtain an access token.

3. Calling YouTube Live API

Using the obtained access token, call YouTube Live API endpoints to send virtual gifts or donations. This includes the following steps:

  1. Get the live broadcast ID.

  2. Get the live chat ID.

  3. Send virtual gifts or donations.

4. Automation

Write scripts to automate the process, including reading broadcast information, calling APIs to send gifts, and recording the sending status.

Example Code

The following example code uses Python and the YouTube Live API to automate sending virtual gifts or donations.

Environment Setup

First, make sure you have installed the necessary Python libraries:

pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client

Obtaining the Access Token

from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlowfrom googleapiclient.discovery import build# Your OAuth 2.0 client secrets fileCLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = "client_secret.json"# OAuth 2.0 scopesSCOPES = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.force-ssl"]def get_authenticated_service():    flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, SCOPES)
    credentials = flow.run_console()    return build("youtube", "v3", credentials=credentials)youtube = get_authenticated_service()

Getting the Live Chat ID

def get_live_chat_id(youtube):    request = youtube.liveBroadcasts().list(        part="snippet",        broadcastStatus="active",        broadcastType="all"    )
    response = request.execute()    if "items" in response and len(response["items"]) > 0:        live_broadcast = response["items"][0]        return live_broadcast["snippet"]["liveChatId"]    else:        return Nonelive_chat_id = get_live_chat_id(youtube)

Sending Virtual Gifts or Donations

Currently, the YouTube API does not directly support sending virtual gifts, but you can achieve a similar effect by sending Super Chat messages. Here is an example code for sending a Super Chat message:

def send_super_chat(youtube, live_chat_id, amount, currency, message):    request = youtube.liveChatMessages().insert(        part="snippet",        body={            "snippet": {                "liveChatId": live_chat_id,                "type": "superChatEvent",                "superChatEvent": {                    "amountMicros": amount * 1000000,                    "currency": currency,                    "message": message                }
    response = request.execute()    return response# Sending a Super Chat messageamount = 5  # Amount in USDcurrency = "USD"message = "This is a test super chat message."response = send_super_chat(youtube, live_chat_id, amount, currency, message)print(response)


To implement bulk sending, you can use loops and time control to automate the process, ensuring that YouTube's anti-spam mechanisms are not triggered.

import timeimport logging# Configure logginglogging.basicConfig(filename='youtube_super_chat.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')def send_super_chat_with_logging(youtube, live_chat_id, amount, currency, message):    try:        response = send_super_chat(youtube, live_chat_id, amount, currency, message)        if "id" in response:            logging.info(f"Successfully sent super chat: {response['id']}")        else:            logging.error(f"Failed to send super chat: {response}")    except Exception as e:        logging.error(f"Error sending super chat: {str(e)}")# Bulk sending Super Chat messagesfor _ in range(10):  # Control the number of messages sent    send_super_chat_with_logging(youtube, live_chat_id, amount, currency, message)    time.sleep(60)  # Control the sending frequency to avoid triggering anti-spam mechanisms

By following the steps above, you can automate the process of sending Super Chat messages on YouTube Live. The key is to obtain the correct API permissions and control the sending frequency to avoid triggering anti-spam mechanisms. A complete implementation needs to consider various exception scenarios to ensure the stability and success rate of the sending process.


  1. Compliance: Ensure all operations comply with YouTube's terms of service and privacy policies.

  2. Frequency Control: Avoid frequent message sending to prevent account bans.

  3. Data Security: Protect user data privacy and prevent data leaks.

By following the technical roadmap and example code above, you can technically achieve the functionality of automating the sending of virtual gifts or donations on YouTube Live. I hope this information is helpful to you.

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