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Bulk Texter Pro!
-- 功能模块1 全自动批量无限Instagram账号注册机
-- Module 1 Instagram accounts auto & bulk register

We are looking for agents to distribute our software worldwide including 中国!

Banner Instagram bulk register.jpg

一、我们的“IG批量注册工具”的自动化功能包括 IG Auto Register Features

  • Bulk register Instagram accounts with phone or email

  • Customize usernames, full names, passwords for Instagram new accounts be registered
    可批量定制创建IG小号的用户名、full name\全名和密码

  • Customize & upload avatars for registered Instagram accounts

  • Auto upload posts for each new registered Instagram accounts

  • Auto follow suggested Instagram users after the new account registeration

  • Auto set & turn on 2FA for newly registered Instagram accounts

  • After register bulk Instagram accounts, can export in session format, and can be imported into IG bulk sender tool to send DM in batch.

  • Support import proxy polling to change IPs when register Instagram accounts in bulk

  • The software friendly and easily to use for no code knowledge users

  • Lifetime free updates

二、如何购买可靠的IG注册器 Tips for a reliable auto bulk register

0 how-instagram-account-generator-looklike.png

1 一款靠谱的Instagram批量自动注册账号工具需要配置4个必备资源实现一键安装工具!

- 需要手机号码,用于Ins账号注册。
- 需要接码平台,用于验证新注册账号。
- 需要IP库,保证大量的新账号注册行为不会被Instagram服务器嗅探到并封禁。
- LDPlayer9模拟器多开执行多线程注册任务
为此,我们在注册机中接入了可信赖的OTP虚拟号码提供商和接码平台,例如viotp、VNMB 和 5sim 等等,在这些平台上,你可以获取全球不同国家/地区的手机号码,满足你多样化的注册需求,例如指定注册越南或者巴西的Instagram账号。同时,内置了过千万的IP地址供注册轮询,包括我们自用的Proxygeo.com这家高质量且性价比极高的代理提供商。这是国内很多Instagram账号注册工具不可比拟的优势,因为我们震惊的从多个客户口中了解到,某家名为“销X侠”的工具,竟然并无导入代理库的接口,无法想象在一个固定IP上可以实现大批量的注册账号和群发私信不死号。
A reliable Instagram bulk account register depends on 4 resources:
- Mobile Phone numbers for registration of Telegram accounts.
- SMS activation website to validate the registered mobile numbers.
- Proxy Polling to ensure  bulk registration of new accounts is not detected by Instagram and leads to bans.
- LDPlayer9 emulator for multi-thread auto registration
To address these requirements, we have integrated trustworthy virtual number providers and SMS activation platforms into this register tool, including viotp、VNMB, and 5sim, among others. On these platforms, you can obtain phone numbers from different countries/regions worldwide to fulfill your diverse registration needs. Additionally, the tool comes with a vast pool of millions of IP addresses for registration rotation. This is an unparalleled advantage compared to many Chinese account register tools, as we were shocked to learn from customer feedback that a particular tool called [XiaoDaXia] lacks an interface for importing proxy libraries, making it unimaginable to achieve bulk account registration and bulk DM capabilities.

2 基于Instagram协议开发注册机绝对是坑 Only Emulator-based Instagram Account Creator!

通过Instagram协议注册账号意味着必须使用Ins官方提供的注册接口和规定的流程来创建账号。这种注册需要遵循Instagram的用户协议和隐私政策,并按照他们的要求提供必要的信息,例如用户名、密码、电子邮件地址等。所以,一定那被嗅探到批量自动化注册大量的Ins小号,一定会被判定为Spam导致被封禁或限制使用。因此我们(Telegram: timoej)开发了这款基于模拟器的Instagram账号批量注册工具,可以创建无限数量的Ins账号。这个软件使用LDPlayer模拟器来注册IG账号,然后自动将其转换为会话(Sessions)。
Registering accounts thru the Instagram protocol means creating an account using the official registration interface and following the prescribed process provided by Instagram. It involves adhering to Instagram's user agreement and privacy policy and providing the necessary information, such as username, password, email address, etc., as required by the platform. Thus, registering accounts in bulk will be tagged as "spam" leading to accounts being banned or restricted for sure. So that's reason why we built an Emulator-based Instagram Account Creator Tool to Create Unlimited IG Accounts, which uses LDPlayer Emulator to Register accountS using Official App and then Converts to Sessions Autometically for saving.

3 注册速度如何?How many Telegram Account it Creates Per Hour ?
这完全取决于提供接码平台OTP服务商的交付速度,如果手机号码提供商能够更快地提供号码和短信验证码[登录验证码],那么我们的Instagram Account Creator工具可以在1分钟内创建多个账号并转换为Session会话并保存到本地。
It is totally depends on the website & OTP ISP that provides numbers, if website Number Providers Provides Number and OTP [Login Codes] Faster then our  Instagram Creator software can make the account in 1 minute and converts it to sessions.

4 注册Telegram账号的多种导出类型 What Kind of session will it Create?

We provided options to convert the session to save newly-registered Instagram accounts locally, and easily to import to Instagram bulk sending software for future working tasks

5 这个工具是否支持代理库轮询 Supports Proxy ?

是的,我们在软件提供了IP库导入的接口,支持 Proxygeo.com等高质量的IP服务商。
Yes, You need to use a Proxy inside the Emulator by using Proxygeo.com.

6 接码平台可以更换吗 SMS websites exchange

If I buy single website based! can I exchage to another web based account creator ?
No, so please choose wisely. If you are purchasing a single-website-based Instagram account creator tool, it can't be replaced by a different website-based account creator tool. If have to change, you have to pay $260U for programming, and it will take 3 - 4 days to deliver.

三、批量注册Ins账号工具软件的核心功能演示 How to bulk register IG accounts?

我们的工具可以通过邮箱和手机号码批量注册Instagram账号。We can bulk register Instagram accounts by emails or mobile numbers:

1 通过邮箱批量注册Instagram账号 Register Instagram accounts in bulk by emails

Import email addresses in bulk to our tool, including | Email login password | Imap server | Imap port, and you can start batch registration of Instagram accounts. If you want to import Gmail accounts in batches to register IG accounts, you need to import the 2fa password and app password at the same time, instead of the Gmail login password.
批量将大量电子邮件地址导入我们的工具,包括 | 电子邮件登录密码 | IMAP 服务器 | IMAP 端口,即可开始批量注册 Instagram 小号。如果您要批量导入 Gmail 帐户以注册 IG 帐户,则需要同时导入 2FA 密码和应用密码,而不是 Gmail 登录密码。

1 Reg-with-email-new-2-instagram-account-generator.png

2 通过手机号码OTP接码平台批量注册Instagram账号 Register Instagram accounts in bulk by OTP

To register Instagram accounts in bulk by phone numbers, it requires integrating OTPs. The quality and speed determine the daily limit of successfully registering Instagram accounts in bulk. Regarding the cost of OTP codes, each ISP offers different prices for their SMS verification services, allowing you to choose to meet your needs and budget. If you select the default option of "any," the software will randomly choose an ISP. The software supports the following OTP ISP:
- Viotp.com
- Yuenanka.com
- Viettel
- Mobi
- Vina
- ITelecom
- Laos
- Getsmscode.io
- 5sim
- 365sms

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3 批量导入IP库轮询避免被限制批量注册IG账号 Import proxy polling for IP rotation

To use this software, it is necessary to use proxy rotation for bulk registration of Instagram accounts. If multiple IG accounts are created from the same or a limited number of IP addresses, those accounts may be banned. We provide a bulk import feature for IP libraries, supporting up to millions of IP rotations.

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4 批量注册海量IG账号的同时定制新账号的全套个人资料 Customize profiles for bulk registered IG accounts

While bulk registering Instagram accounts, will customize the login passwords, two-step verification passwords, usernames, full names, and profile pictures for the newly-generated accounts. Additionally, you can set the software to automatically post posts using the new accounts and automatically follow users suggested to the new registered accounts by Instagram. This helps create a substantial number of accounts that feel more like real human users rather than bot accounts.

- 为新注册的IG账号定制登录密码和二步验证码 Cutomize passwords and 2fa for newly-registered Ins account:

- 为新注册的IG账号定制用户全名 Cutomize full name for newly-registered Ins account:

- 为新注册的IG账号定制用户名 Cutomize username for newly-registered Ins account:

- 为新注册的IG账号上传头像 Upload avatar for newly-registered Ins account:

- 为新注册的IG账号发帖和关注好友 Auto post for newly-registered Ins account and follow suggested:

5 批量将新注册的海量IG号码导出到本地保存 Import newly-registered Instagram accounts and save locally

After completing the bulk registration of the desired number of Instagram accounts, you can stop the task and export these accounts in bulk to save them locally. Then, you can import them into an Instagram mass messaging tool to perform jobs such as bulk invite joining IG groups, send group messages, or sending direct messages (DMs) to other Instagram users.

- 完成批量注册后自动登录到每一个IG号 Login each account after bulk registeration

9 Login-instagram-accounts-after-registered.png

- 将验证和筛选过的IG号批量导出到本地保存 Save validated and filtered Instagram accounts locally

10 export-account-file-instagram-account-register.png

四、如何安装本工具 How to install the software

LDPlayer 是一款安卓模拟器,可以帮助您在电脑上流畅运行安卓应用。它具有以下特点:
高性能:LDPlayer 采用先进的模拟技术,可以提供流畅的应用体验。
兼容性:LDPlayer 支持运行各种安卓应用。
功能丰富:LDPlayer 提供了多种功能,包括键盘映射、触屏支持、屏幕录制等。
安全可靠:LDPlayer 经过严格的安全测试,可完美实现批量注册Instagram账号。

This software requires running an Android application in an emulator on your PC, so you need to install an Android emulator first, which we use the LDPlayer here. LDPlayer is an Android emulator that helps you run Apps on your computer smoothly. It has the following features:
High performance: LDPlayer uses advanced emulation technology to provide a smooth application experience.
Compatibility: LDPlayer supports running various Android applications.
Rich features: LDPlayer offers a variety of features, including keyboard mapping, touch support, screen recording, etc.
Safe and reliable: LDPlayer has undergone rigorous security testing and can perfectly achieve batch registration of Instagram accounts.

1 安装LDPlayer模拟器 Install the LDPlayer emulator

Visit LDPlayer.net to download the LDPlayer9.0_ens_1001_ld.exe :

Double-click on LDPlayer9.0_ens_1001_ld.exe to install the LDPlayer:

Next, click Install button:

After the installation is successful, you close this LDPlayer.
Next, you open the LDPlayer9 folder (it is often saved in Disk (C:)) => open the LDPlayer9 folder => double click on dnmultiplayer file

The LDMultiPlayer dialog box will appear. Click on Batch button => select Batch New (5 LDPlayers) => the bot will create 5 LDPlayers simultaneously. You can create the number of LD Players that match your PC configuration.
这时,出现了LDMultiPlayer对话框。点击Batch按钮,创建5个LD Player:

2 安装环境变量

Download the Environment Folder. Next, you right-click on the downloaded file => select Extract here, you will see the Environment folder.

Open the Environment folder, you will see 3 environment variables to install.

20240510 LDPlayer 7 Environment-Folder.png

Or double-click on the software shortcut on your computer desktop => and you will see the requirement for environment variables. Now double-click on dotnet=> the Microsoft.NET  Installer dialog box will display => then click Install

After the installation successful, then click on Close button.

Double-click on SqlLocalDB icon => Microsoft SQL Server Local DB dialog box will appear => click on Next button
然后,双击SqlLocalDB图标,出现Microsoft SQL Server Local DB对话框,点击Next按钮开始安装:

Click on "I accept the terms in the license agreement" => and then click Next button

Then, click on Install button

Click on "Finish" button and close

Double-click on vcredist icon =>  then tick "I agree to the license terms" and conditions => and click "Install" button

After the Setup successful, click on "Close" button.

2 安装Instagram账号批量注册工具 Install Instagram Accounts Bulk Register software

Step 1. Double click on software icon

To install the bot => click "Next" button

2 Install-click-next-instagram-account-creator.png

Step 2. Select Installation Folder => click on Browse => choose the folder t to save the installation of this software => click OK => click Next

3 Installtion-folder-instagram-account-creator.png

Atttention: do not save the installation folder in the Program Files (x86) folder in Disk (C:), or any folder whose name has special characters. After that => click "Next" in the Confirm Installation dialog box.
不要将安装程序安装到电脑C盘的Program Files (x86)文件夹;也不要创建任何带特殊字符的文件夹去安装这个软件:

4 confirm-installation-instagram-account-creator.png

Step 3. At Installation Complete dialog box, click "Close" button.

5 Install-complete-4-instagram-account-creator.png

Open the Installation Folder => open the software folder => open the Environment folder => Install Environment Variable

6 install-environment-instagram-account-generator.png

After confirming the environment variable installation successfully, back to  computer desktop => double-click on the software shortcut to open the software =>  enter the license activation code into License Key section

7 key-instagram-account-creator.png

And then, open the LDPlayer9 folder in Disk (C:) => copy the path of this folder to paste it into LDPlaryer Path section.

8 LDPlayer-path-instagram-account-creator.png

Finally, you click “Login" button => the interface of this software will display.

9 Interface-instagram-account-generator.png

(We are looking for agents to distribute our software worldwide, including CHINA)

五、运营软件的硬件要求 Requirements to use account creator tool

✅ Windows 10 OR Windows 11
✅ Processor: Minimum i3/i5
✅ Minimum 8 GB RAM

如何联系此Instagram自动化营销工具的开发者:如需批量注册海量Instagram账号的自动化工具,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/glensher (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Instagram工具

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