Bulk Texter Pro!
-- 功能模块2 全自动粉丝采集、批量群发InstagramDM消息和好友申请
-- Module2 Instagram Auto Bulk Sender
We are looking for agents to distribute our software worldwide including 中国!
➡️ 一键自动群发海量的Instagram私信
➡️ To send Direct Message to Instagram users automatically in one click
➡️ 通过csv表格批量导入群发“料子”
➡️ Import bulk Instagram member IDs or usernames as csv to send messages by single click
➡️ 可群发定制消息包括超链、图片、视频、文本等等
➡️ Can send customized DM with URL(hyperlink), image, video, txt, etc.
➡️ 批量发帖,一键上传并发布大量的贴文和Reel
➡️ Bulk poster feature, upload posts/Reels in bulk by one click
➡️ 批量采集指定Ins账号的全部活跃粉丝
➡️ IG Follower Scraper feature, extract active followers from any IG profiles.
➡️ 采集大量的Ins帐号之后可以通过这个工具自动加他们为好友或者批量私信他们
➡️ IG Auto Follow feature, follow all extracted profiles or send DM to them in bulk
We are proud of these best features , you can use the software for growing your IG followers, and send DM to promote your products in bulk. you can choose your target profiles which have many active followers then this software can send follow request to all followers of your target profiles. No matter they are your mutual followers or not, you can send unlimited DM to these Instagram users!
1 安装工具 Install the software
Please Unzip Main File and Run InstagramAutoDM.exe and Register your Licence as per below Screen.
2 运行软件 Run the software
After install and register the software, start the bulk sender tool interface:
3 如何群发IG私信 How to bulk send Instagram DM
消息设置完成后,点击Send now开始群发私信;
Click the format file button on the software dashboard;
Import Instagram user contacts file in CSV format which file name is data.csv on software folder;
The first column in the csv file is the Instagram Member IDs;
The second column is filled in VAR1, its replace in Message Variable [VAR1];
The third column is filled with VAR2, its replace in Message Variable [VAR2];
The forth Column is VAR3, its replace in Message Variable [VAR3];
In the DM, an attachment can be sent as well, just click on Import Attachment button to upload;
Now Click on Send now button;
The chrome Browser will be opened , and then jump to the Instagram login page. After login to the profile, you can find the software will send DMs automatically to all Instagram users that you imported by csv.
4 设置发送规则 Set sending rules
设置导入和导出数据的格式,可选择csv, excel或者txt;
Click on Setting button on the Top Bar, you can set up:
Import and export formats like Excel, CSV, or text;
Software language;
Interval of DM send to avoid block.
5 认知软件的4大功能分区 Know 4 main features:
Feature 1 IG Auto Poster, you can bulk upload posts and ReelS at one click;
Feature 2 IG Auto DM sender, you can send DM in bulk to any Instagram users and profiles;
Feature 3 IG Followers Scraper, you can extract active followers from any Instagram profiles.
Feature 4 IG Auto Follow, you can find your competitors' or targeted profiles, and then send follow requests to all followers.
6 IG批量自动发帖功能 Instagram Auto Poster
将视频,图片放到指定文件夹,然后在Files.txt文件中设置好图文post的标题、视频名,就可以点击Bulk Poster工具条批量上传了。友情提示,在填写这些描述信息时,需要考虑Instagram的站内SEO优化。
For Bulk post, pls click on Bulk Poster Tab, and you need to add your videos/photos in Video folder,and then define the post title and name of video in Files.txt file On every line, and check files.txt file on Video folder as example file
You can upload post or reel to your Instagram profile in bulk;
Post Description : You can give any name of post with SEO factors;
Attachement : upload images or videos as the post attachment;
After required video files, you can click on Button Start Auto Bulk Post.
7 IG粉丝采集功能 Instagram Follower scraper
点击左侧导航栏的 IG Follower Scraper按钮,填写需要采集的Instagram账号。点击Search按钮,软件会跳转到谷歌浏览器的IG账号登录窗口。在登录完成之后,禁用Instagram的通知弹窗。启动采集功能,在采集完成后,可以导出被采集IG用户的所有粉丝数据。可选择保存数据到本地,保存格式有csv, excel, 和txt供选择。
Click on Left Menu Button IG Follower Scraper;
Fill in the Instagram Id : Enter Your Target Instagram username or UID whom you want to extract his or her followers;
Click on Search Button. The software will open the chrome browser, and jump to instagram login page. Then disabled the notification popup;
The software will start followers extraction automatically;
When the extract job done, you can export all Instagram user data in Excel, CSV and Text Formats.
8 IG批量邀请好友功能 Instagram Auto Follow Request
点击左侧工具栏的IG Auto Follower按钮,自定义批量发送好友请求的时间间隔和延时,还有每个小时要求的任务数量,避免封号。
在Target Instagram ID栏,输入你希望采集其粉丝的IG用户名或者profile链接。然后点击“设置”按钮,导入你的IP库,避免在邀约好友时可能导致的封号。
Click on Left Menu Button IG Auto Follower, the software can send follow requests automatically in bulk. You can custom define the interval and delay on each request to follow scraped profiles, and also can define how many profiles to follow within an hour.
Target Instagram ID: Enter your targeted IG username who you want to extract followers and send follow requests;
Follow Profiles Count : How many profiles you want to follow on every request;
Request Delay : delay in second on each request for follow profiles;
Click on Setting Icon on Top Bar, you can set VPN here. Also, you can change data export format.
系统要求 System Requirements:
.Net Requirement
Latest Chrome Browser
Software Support Proxy , you can add your proxy.
如何联系此Instagram自动化营销工具的开发者:如需采集Instagram账号粉丝数据、批量群发DM消息和好友申请,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是 pls)
We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!