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Bulk Texter Pro!

We are looking for agents to distribute our software worldwide including 中国!
-- 功能模块7 飞机群成员资料采集&强制拉群
-- Module 7 Telegram Group members extractor & adder

Telegram group adder.jpg

We know well there are many Telegram automation tool software options available on the market. However, many of the functions, bots and software advertised are not worked at all - you can't actually use or work with them after purchasing, making it a waste of money and time. Additionally, even if some software functions can be used, their capabilities are very limited and not as powerful as advertised. Plus, the prices are high and require monthly payments. Our Telegram group members extractor and adder tool offers flexibility to pay by half-year or year. Our development team will continuously update the software as Telegram rules and algorithms evolve. If you directly purchase the lifetime version, you only need to pay one-off and can permanently use this Telegram marketing automation software. You will also get future version updates for free. Compared to other products on the market, our software offers stronger functions, better prices and supports long-term use. We hope we can resolve your Telegram marketing needs.


  • ➡️ 支持批量登录电报账户、软件没有登录飞机小号的数量限制;
    ➡️ No limit on the number of accounts to log in.

  • ➡️ 支持多账号自动轮询,软件随机调用登录的所有Telegram账户轮流拉人入群;
    ➡️Automatic rotation of multiple accounts to add members to groups randomly.

  • ➡️ 本工具支持多线程,只要导入足够的IP库和飞机小号,一小时采集并进群10万人不是梦!
    ➡️ Supports multi-threading. To add 100,000 people to groups in an hour.

  • ➡️ 支持代理库轮询,软件随机调用多IPs保证不封号不死号;
    ➡️ Supports Proxy Polling; Multiple IPs roatation for safety without bans.

  • ➡️ 可采集和导出指定的Telegram频道和群的所有message消息;
    ➡️ Collect and export all message contents from targeted channels and groups.

  • ➡️ 可采集任何飞机群的群成员,包括竞争对手的群组成员;
    ➡️ Collect group members from any groups, also from competitor groups.

  • ➡️ 仅采集活跃飞机账号、自动过滤掉潜水号、协议号、死号;
    ➡️ Only collect active group members, filter inactive and deleted members.

  • ➡️ 可将任何群组的群成员强拉加入自己的Telegram飞机群;
    ➡️ Can extract & add members from any groups to your own Telegram group.

  • ➡️ 可设置随机延时和定时采集加群,7x24自动运营;
    ➡️ Random delays and scheduled group adding, 24/7 automated jobs running.

  • ➡️ 无需电报API HASH和API ID,保证你所有Telegram账号安全及隐私;
    ➡️ No API HASH and API ID required, Protect your accounts security and privacy.

  • ➡️ 可批量导入Telegram小号账户,自动输入账户名号、登录码、2fa码一键登入多账户;
    ➡️ Batch importing of Telegram accounts to log in automatically.

  • ➡️ 账号状态检查功能,在导入帐号前一键检查账户是否已被限制、或已被删除;
    ➡️ Account check function for status of active, blocked,banned before importing.

  • ➡️ 只需有飞机群链接URL,即可采集和添加群成员;
    ➡️ Only with the URLs of Telegram groups for members collection and adding.

  • ➡️ 可从Telegram公共群组抓取群成员;
    ➡️ Can scrape members from public Telegram groups.

  • ➡️ 可从Telegram私密群组抓取群成员;
    ➡️ Can scrape members from private Telegram groups.

  • ➡️ 可设置仅采集24小时内活跃的成员;
    ➡️ Can set to collect only active members within the last 24 hours.

  • ➡️ 可设置仅采集一周内活跃的成员;
    ➡️ Can set to collect only active members within the last week.

  • ➡️ 可设置仅采集取一个月内活跃的成员;
    ➡️ Can set to collect only active members within the last month.

  • ➡️ 可将采集的群成员添加至自建的私密群组;
    ➡️ Can add collected group members to your private groups.

  • ➡️ 可将采集的群成员添加至自建的公开群组;
    ➡️ Can add collected group members to your public groups.

  • ➡️ 强拉群延时选择功能,可自己控制添加下一群成员的延时周期;
    ➡️ Delay adding function to control the time interval for adding group members.

  • ➡️ 强拉群延时设置可调节,可在不同时段加快或放慢强拉到自建群的任务速度;
    ➡️ Adjustable delay settings allow for faster or slower adding group members.

  • ➡️ 采集后删除已添加群成员,可自动筛选采集结果仅添加新成员避免重复拉人入自建群;
    ➡️ Automatically deletes added members duplication.

  • ➡️ GUI图形操作界面,操作和功能部署简单;
    ➡️ GUI graphical interface for easy operation and deployment of functions.

  • ➡️ 软件功能齐全、使用安全、高效且易于上手操作;
    ➡️ Comprehensive functionality, safe and efficient with user-friendly operations.

  • ➡️ 一键安装运行环境和部署功能,无需代码知识和程序员背景。
    ➡️ One-click installation; no coding or programming knowledge  required.

一、工具功能的操作演示 Demonstration of Tool Functions

Telegram tool banner.png

1 采集任意飞机群的群成员 Collecting Group Members from Any Telegram Groups

在完成安装工具之后,打开软件,选择“Scrape Group”功能:
After installing the tool, open the software and select the "Scrape Group" function:

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2 选择采集群成员功能 Click the Group Member Collection Function


  • 采集群成员

  • 导出群消息

  • 加人到自己的自建群

首先开启采集群成员功能。本工具可以采集任意Telegram group的群成员,包括竞争对手的群成员:

In the dropdown menu, there are three function options:

  • Collect Group Members

  • Export Group Messages

  • Add Members to Own Created Group

First, enable the "Collect Group Members" function. This tool can collect group members from any Telegram group, including members from competitor groups:

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3 选择需要将采集的群成员导入自建群的功能 Select the Function to Import Collected Group Members to Own Created Group

After enabling the function to collect group members from the target group, you can choose to download the collected group members locally for future batch sending of direct messages (DMs) as "data sources." Alternatively, you can select the option to directly add the collected members from other groups to your own created group:

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4 找到需要采集群成员的目标群的URL Locate the URL of the target group for collecting group members

Right-click on the target group, click on "Copy" in the menu to copy the group URL, and input it into the collection tool's toolbar:

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5 设置采集任务的参数 Setting the parameters of the Telegram group member extract task

In order to prevent blocking, you need to set the real human behaviour of the scrape task, such as the average time interval for collect group members and other parameters:

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6 点击Start按钮开启采集和加人任务 Click the "Start" button to initiate the collecting and member adding tasks

This tool supports multi-threading, allowing you to collect members from various Telegram targeted groups within a short period. It can easily collect over 100,000 group members within an hour:

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7 采集和加人任务的完成情况随时查看一目了然!The completion status of the scraping and member adding tasks can be easily reviewed at any time!

This tool does not require manual monitoring. If the task is interrupted, it will automatically restart. Once the task reaches 100% completion, a pop-up notification will appear:

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8 强拉人进群效果一流!Excellent output in Telegram group member adding!

在采集竞争对手群成员完成之后,工具能够将这些group members自动加入自己的Telegram自建群。特别适合无投放广告可能的币圈、菠菜BC、擦边产品仿牌FP、黑五类、成人用品、电子烟、金融、交友等等行业的出海投流需求:
After collecting the members from competitor groups, the tool is capable of automatically adding these group members to your own created Telegram groups. This feature is particularly suitable for marketing and user acquisition needs in industries such as cryptocurrency (without advertising platforms), gambling (BC), fake products (FP), adult products, e-cigarettes, finance, dating, and more:

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9 支持Telegram多账号批量登录强拉人入飞机群 Supports bulk login of multiple Telegram accounts to add members to own groups

To avoid being banned, this tool supports bulk importing of multiple Telegram accounts. It allows for batch login and the rotation of accounts to add and invite members to your groups. After certain numbers are blocked, they can be automatically removed and replaced with a new batch of numbers for adding members to groups:

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10 支持群自动应答Bot机器人 Supports automatic response Telegram group Bot

在采集完成之后,可以部署群机器人。如果将这个机器人设为群管,可以给每个新入群的群成员发欢迎消息;同时删除XXX invited by XXX这样的入群消息:
After completing the collection, you can deploy a group bot. If you set this bot as an admin in the group, it can send a welcome message to each new group member. It can also delete entry messages such as "XXX invited by XXX" to maintain a clean group environment:

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11 本Telegram采集工具提供接口可与其他自动化工具对接导出的群成员数据 This Telegram collection tool provides an interface for exporting group member data to integrate with other automation tools.

我们建议使用Make工具Sign up | Make HQ实现对接,代码如下:
We recommend using the Make tool Sign up | Make HQfor integration:

20240423 make to export group members.png

Please make sure to replace 'API_ENDPOINT' with the actual API endpoint URL for data integration and 'group_member_data' with the variable containing the exported group member data:

20240423 11 exports telegram group members.png

The code for integration is as follows:

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12 本Telegram采集工具提供接口可与其他自动化对接导出的竞品群或自己群的Message数据This Telegram collection tool provides an interface to integrate with other automation tools for exporting message data from competitor groups or your own groups.

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Hardware requirements for running the Software

  • Windows 10/11

  • 8GB Ram or above

  • Multiple Telegram Accounts(you can buy Tdata in batch or use our "Bulk Telegram Account Creator")

  • Proxy Polling

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(We are looking for agents to distribute our software worldwide, including CHINA)

Telegram Group Member Scrape & Group Adding Service


If you prefer not to operate the tool yourself for Telegram group member collection and groups adding, you can buy our service instead. With our professional tool, we can provide you with real, active, and precisely targeted group members. Please contact our sales staff (English pls) on Telegram: timoej, to know the pricing and more details regarding our software and services.

如何联系此Telegram强拉群工具的开发者和服务商如需采集竞争对手Telegram群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具



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