Bulk Texter Pro!
-- 功能模块8 全自动批量无限飞机号注册机
-- Module 8 Telegram accounts auto & bulk register
We are looking for agents to distribute our software worldwide including 中国!
一、自动化批量注册飞机账号50个领先功能 50 Advanced Features
✅ Supports TELETHON Module ⭐
✅ Supports PYROGRAM Module ⭐
✅ 基于LDPlay模拟器
✅ LDPlayer Emulator Supports
✅ IP库接入实现轮询避免封号
✅ Proxy Supports
✅ 支持主流接码平台API接口
✅ Works with Sms-Activate Website API
✅ Works with 5sim Website API
✅ Works with smspva Website API
✅ 自动购买手机号
✅ Automatically Purchases Numbers from the websites
✅ 自动获取购买的手机号
✅ Autometic Fetching Number for Register
✅ 自动删除无效手机号或者被禁手机号
✅ Automatically Cancel Number if numbers are Invalid/Banned
✅ 内置3个手机号码提供商均可选择国别号码
✅ All 3 Websites' Country Codes are Available
✅ 自动检测和获取登录码
✅ Automatic Detect & Fetching Login Code
✅ 自动完成Telegram账号注册
✅ Automatic Register Account
✅ 自动为Telegram新注册账号设置Telegram用户名
✅ Automatic Set Name
✅ 自动为Telegram新注册账号设置个人简介
✅ Automatic Set Bio
✅ 自动为Telegram新注册账号设置Telegram账户名
✅ Automatic Set Username
✅ 自动为Telegram新注册账号设置头像图片
✅ Automatic Set Profile Picture
✅ 自动为Telegram新注册账号设置二步验证密码
✅ Automatic Set 2FA Password
✅ 自动用新注册的Telegram账号加入群组或频道
✅ Automatic Join Group/Channel
✅ 可设置是否为新注册账号添加个人简介
✅ Any Profile Setting can be Enable/Disable
✅ 新注册账号的个人资料栏可随机设定或定制内容
✅ Profile Setting Can be Random/Custom
✅ 自动根据Telegram群发工具要求创建小号session
✅ Automatic Create Session
✅ 自动保存新注册的飞机账号,可按照不同群发和强制拉群要求要求存为不同的文件格式。
✅ Automatic Save Number
✅ 批量注册小号的日志可查
✅ Automatic Save History
✅ 在保存新号前,注册下来的小号状态可查。
✅ Account Status Checker
✅ 按照不同群发和强制拉群要求提供Sessions分类
✅ Advance – Sessions Separator
✅ 可选择保存为Telethon会话
✅ After Making Telegram Account in Emulator it Converts to Telethon Session
✅ 可选择保存为Phone会话
✅ Saves Created Account Numbers in Phone file
✅ 如果小号注册后被秒封,可自动申诉并找回账号。
✅ Advance – Automatic Number Restore
✅ 拟人化自动注册可设定注册时间间隔避免封禁
✅ Every Actions Delay Timing is Editable
✅ 设定时间自动保存记忆不用重复设置
✅ Save Configuration one time only.
✅ 以上过程均为自动跑任务并无需人工值守
✅ Fully Automatic
✅ 一键启动设定任务
✅ Single Click ADB Server Starter
✅ Single Click Device ID Finder
✅ 操作简单无需代码基础和编程背景Easy-to-use Interface.
✅ 可购买半年版、一年版、或者终身版Lifetime Access 💯
✅ 如果购买终身版免费持续升级迭代工具版本Possible updates are free
二、如何购买可靠的注册器 Tips for a reliable auto bulk register
1 一款靠谱的Telegram批量自动注册账号工具需要配置6个必备资源实现一键安装工具!
LDPlayer9 Installer
Specific Python Language
ADB Server Tools
为此,我们在注册机中接入了可信赖的虚拟号码提供商和接码平台,例如sms-activate、smspva 和 5sim 等等,在这些平台上,你可以获取全球不同国家/地区的手机号码,满足你多样化的注册需求。同时,内置了过千万的IP地址供注册轮询。这是国内很多飞机号注册工具不可比拟的优势,我们震惊的从客户口中了解到,某家名为“销大侠”的工具,竟然并无导入代理库的接口,无法想象在一个固定IP上可以实现大批量的注册账号和群发私信。
A reliable Telegram bulk account register depends on three resources:
Mobile Phone numbers for registration of Telegram accounts.
SMS activation website to validate the registered mobile numbers.
Proxy Polling to ensure that the large-scale registration of new accounts is not detected by Telegram and leads to bans.
To address these requirements, we have integrated trustworthy virtual number providers and SMS activation platforms into this register tool, including sms-activate, smspva, and 5sim, among others. On these platforms, you can obtain phone numbers from different countries/regions worldwide to fulfill your diverse registration needs. Additionally, the tool comes with a vast pool of millions of IP addresses for registration rotation. This is an unparalleled advantage compared to many Chinese account register tools, as we were shocked to learn from customer feedback that a particular tool called [XiaoDaXia] lacks an interface for importing proxy libraries, making it unimaginable to achieve bulk account registration and bulk DM capabilities.
2 基于Telegram API开发注册机绝对是坑 Only Emulator-based TG Account Creator!
从2023年2月18日起,全球范围内停止了基于API的注册功能,因此我们(Telegram: timoej)开发了这款基于模拟器的TG账号批量注册工具,可以创建无限数量的Telegram账号。该工具使用LDPlayer模拟器来注册Telegram账号,然后自动将其转换为会话(Sessions)。
Api-based Sign-up [ Registration ] was not working anymore from Feb 18, 2023 worldwide. So that’s reason why we built an Emulator-based TG Account Creator Tool to Create Unlimited Telegram Accounts, which uses LDPlayer Emulator to Register a Telegram Account using Official App and then Converts to Sessions Autometically.
3 注册速度如何?How many Telegram Account it Creates Per Hour ?
这完全取决于提供接码平台的交付速度,如果手机号码提供商能够更快地提供号码和短信验证码[登录验证码],那么我们的TG Creator工具可以在1分钟内创建账号并转换为Session会话并保存到本地。
It is totally depends on the website that provides numbers, if website Number Providers Provides Number and OTP [Login Codes] Faster then our TG Creator tool can make the account in 1 minute and converts it to sessions.
4 注册Telegram账号的2种导出类型 What Kind of session will it Create?
We provided 2 options to convert the session into two popular formats. Worldwide, all Telegram marketing tools & Software are primarily created using these two modules mainly:TELETHON Module Session, and PYROGRAM Module Session.
TELETHON Module Sessions are used by 85% of users worldwide. and many of our Telegram Marketing Software are also built using the TELETHON Module.
PYROGRAM Module Sessions are also used by many users globally. Therefore we gave both Module Options so you can choose any Module Based sessions.
5 这个工具是否支持代理库轮询 Supports Proxy ?
Yes, You need to use a Proxy inside the Emulator by using PIA VPN or Proxifier APK.
6 接码平台可以更换吗 SMS websites exchange
If i buy single website based! can i exchage to another web based account creator ?
No, so please choose wisely. If you are purchasing a single-website-based Telegram account creator tool, it can’t be replaced by a different website-based account creator tool. If have to change, you have to pay $260U for programming, and it will take 3 - 4 days to deliver.
1 Telegram Bulk Account Register的工作原理是怎样的?
you have to Create accounts on any of these 3 given websites, and Add
some Balance Get your API key and Integrate it with our Software then it
will purchase a Mobile Number Automatically from the Website & it will
automatically try to make an account in the emulator, After Creating a
Telegram Account Successfully it will convert the account to sessions
format depending upon which type of sessions you want, and then Clears the
Telegram Application caches & Data And continues like this for
making Unlimited Telegram Accounts for you.
1 Python安装 Installing Python
2 Install Platform Tools [ADB] 安装ADB工具
3 安装LDPlayer模拟器 Install LDPlayer Emulator
4 打开Telegram注册机工具 Start the Telegram register software
5 软件自动购买验证码开始注册Telegram账号 Purchase activation code and create accounts
6 注册账号成功后自动登录在Telegram桌面应用 Log in Telegram desktop after creating
7 为新注册账号自动输入二部验证码 Input 2fa code for new registered Telegram account
8 为新注册的Telegram账号自动填写用户名 Auto input user name for new telegram account
9 参考下图已经成功登入新注册的Telegram账号 Login the newly registered account successfully
10 将账号转化为Telethon session格式 Convert new account to Telethon session format
11 导出Telethon会话格式的TG号到本地保存 Import Telethon Session formate locally
12 在到处前自动将新注册的飞机号筛活 Filter inactive accounts and then save the active accounts
13 导出新账号Session后可批量导入我们的飞机群发工具和炒群工具 Bulk import sessions to our Telegram sender and group adder tools.
五、运营软件的硬件要求 Requirements to use account creator tool
✅ Processor: Minimum i3/i5
✅ Minimum 8 GB RAM
如何联系此Telegram批量账号注册工具的开发者:如需批量注册海量Telegram账号的自动化工具,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是 pls)
We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!