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无论是批量发送Telegram私信,还是发送飞机群消息,或者强制拉群,都需要消耗大量的飞机小号才能实现。所以,批量注册Telegram accounts,成为了出海人士的刚需。重要的事情先说:我们|唯一官网:qunfa.tech|提醒你:在找寻和购买飞机号批量注册的自动化工具的时候,如果卖家还在说,他们是通过飞机官方的API接口实现批量注册小号,请你立马离开,这绝对是骗子!因为,目前只有通过模拟器+接码平台才能实现批量注册账号!有关如何通过Emulator工具实现批量注册飞机账号,及需要部署怎样的接码平台和代理库,可点此了解我们的Telegram批量注册账号工具是如何工作的。

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  • Telegram目前是根据手机号来验证注册的用户是否为真实用户。关闭API只限制了基于API的自动化注册,但没有改变这一验证方式。

  • 使用emulator和模拟器可以伪装多个不同的手机环境和虚拟手机号码。这些虚拟号无法被Telegram有效识别为非真实用户。

  • 每个虚拟手机号只能注册一个账号,但使用多个虚拟号和模拟环境就可以实现批量注册的效果。

  • Telegram服务器难以有效区分真实设备与 emulator模拟环境下的注册行为。后者能够很好地伪装为人工注册。

  • 通过不断改变模拟器的参数和虚拟号段,可以迷惑Telegram跟踪机制,暂时规避风险检测。

  • 相对完全依赖API方式,通过人工仿真来注册需要更高的技术门槛,短期内Telegram也难以一步采取有效反制措施。


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再来看看之前通过 Telegram 的官方 API 注册账号的技术原理是怎么回事:

  • 首先,您需要创建一个 Telegram 应用程序。您可以使用任何编程语言来创建 Telegram 应用程序,但最常用的语言是 Python。

  • 创建 Telegram 应用程序后,您需要注册一个 Telegram 开发者账户。您可以通过 Telegram 开发者网站注册开发者账户。

  • 注册开发者账户后,您将获得一个 API ID 和一个 API 哈希。您需要将 API ID 和 API 哈希添加到您的 Telegram 应用程序中。

  • 将 API ID 和 API 哈希添加到您的 Telegram 应用程序后,您就可以开始使用 Telegram API 了。您可以使用 Telegram API 来注册 Telegram 账号、发送消息、接收消息等。

以下是一些使用 Telegram API 注册 Telegram 账号的代码示例:

First, you need to create a Telegram application. You can use any programming language to create a Telegram application, but Python is the most commonly used language. After creating a Telegram application, you need to register for a Telegram developer account. You can register for a developer account through the Telegram developer website. After registering for a developer account, you will receive an API ID and an API hash. You need to add the API ID and API hash to your Telegram application. Once you have added the API ID and API hash to your Telegram application, you can start using the Telegram API. You can use the Telegram API to register for a Telegram account, send messages, receive messages, and more. Here is an example of code that uses the Telegram API to register for a Telegram account: (Note: The code example is not provided in the original text, so I didn't translate it. If you provide the code example, I can help translate it for you.)

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那么,为什么从2023年开始,已经不能用telegram api去注册帐号了呢?

是的,我们|唯一官网:qunfa.tech|在之前的分享中,已经提醒过:自 2023 年开始,Telegram 已经停止了通过 API 注册账号的服务。这是因为 Telegram 认为这种方式存在安全隐患,可能会导致用户账号被盗和spam DM泛滥。

如果您想注册 Telegram 账号,您可以通过 Telegram 的官方网站或应用程序进行注册。注册时,您需要提供您的手机号码和验证码。那么,还有没有其他方式可以注册Telegram账号呢?当然是有的!除了通过 Telegram 的官方网站或应用程序进行注册外,您还可以通过以下方式注册 Telegram 账号:

  • 使用虚拟号码:您可以使用虚拟号码来注册 Telegram 账号。虚拟号码是一种一次性的手机号码,您可以通过网上的接码平台购买。

  • 使用短信转发服务:您可以使用短信转发服务来注册 Telegram 账号。短信转发服务是一种将短信转发到您手机号码的服务。您可以通过网上购买短信转发服务。

  • 使用社交媒体账号:您可以使用社交媒体账号来注册 Telegram 账号。Telegram 支持使用 Facebook、Google 和 Twitter 账号注册。

然而,以上提到的这些方法,并不能支撑批量注册飞机账号,|加入我们的飞机频道:t.me/qunfatech|可了解更多。现在,唯一可行的批量注册Telegram accounts,只能使用ladplay emulator去批量注册飞机号了。

Yes, we | official website: qunfa.tech | have reminded you in our previous sharing: starting from 2023, Telegram has stopped providing API registration services. This is because Telegram believes that this method poses security risks and may lead to user account theft and spam DM flooding. If you want to register for a Telegram account, you can do so through Telegram's official website or application. During registration, you need to provide your phone number and verification code. So, are there any other ways to register for a Telegram account? Of course, there are! Besides registering through Telegram's official website or application, you can also register for a Telegram account through the following methods: Using virtual numbers: You can use virtual numbers to register for a Telegram account. Virtual numbers are one-time-use phone numbers that you can purchase from online reception platforms. Using SMS forwarding services: You can use SMS forwarding services to register for a Telegram account. SMS forwarding services are services that forward SMS to your phone number. You can purchase SMS forwarding services online. Using social media accounts: You can use social media accounts to register for a Telegram account. Telegram supports registration using Facebook, Google, and Twitter accounts. However, the above methods cannot support bulk registration of Telegram accounts. | Join our Telegram channel: t.me/qunfatech | to learn more. Currently, the only viable way to bulk register Telegram accounts is to use the ladplay emulator for bulk registration.

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  • LDPlayer emulator可以在Windows和Mac操作系统上运行和模拟Android环境,支持多达5.0版本的Android系统。

  • 支持手机、平板等多种设备型号的模拟,可以设置不同的屏幕分辨率和硬件参数。

  • 内置虚拟设备管理器,可以轻松创建和删除多个Android系统实例。

  • 性能稳定,支持硬件加速,相对真实手机更流畅运行安卓应用。

  • 拥有自定义按键映射等高级功能,可以定制化模拟不同机型操作。

  • 支持数据交互,手机App和模拟器数据可以实现同步传输。

  • 轻量小巧,免 root 的设计防止病毒感染风险较低。

所以LDPlayer是一款功能强大、运行稳定的Android模拟器,广泛应用于玩安卓手游、测试App等场景。那么,这个模拟器为什么可以用于批量注册Telegram accounts呢?LDPlayer作为一款安卓模拟器,它有一些较为特别的功能:

  • 多实例功能:支持同时运行多个模拟器实例,就像同时运行多个真机一样。

  • 硬件加速:支持GPU加速渲染,相比其他模拟器性能更流畅稳定。

  • 虚拟设备管理:可以快速创建、管理和删除虚拟设备,切换手机型号与Android版本。

  • 自定义按键:支持自定义按键布局,将键盘映射到不同的按键组合上,如按Ctrl就可以滑动屏幕。

  • 数据交互:安装在手机和模拟器上的同一款游戏数据可以实时同步,无需重复开始。

  • 虚拟定位:模拟GPS位置达到汇报位置的效果,在必要场景下帮助解锁游戏机制。

  • 性能监控:可以看到CPU、内存、网速等运行指标,有助发现和解决性能问题。

  • 截图工具:支持屏幕截图与录制功能,方便记录细节或分享给别人。

  • 在线更新:版本更新不需要重新安装,支持实时检测并安装新版本。


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Why did we choose LDPlayer to implement bulk registration of Telegram accounts? LDPlayer emulator can run on Windows and Mac operating systems and simulate an Android environment, supporting up to Android 5.0. It supports simulation of various device models, including phones and tablets, and allows for setting different screen resolutions and hardware parameters. It has a built-in virtual device manager, making it easy to create and delete multiple Android system instances. It has stable performance, supports hardware acceleration, and runs Android applications more smoothly than real phones. It has advanced features such as customizable key mapping, allowing for customized simulation of different device operations. It supports data interaction, allowing for synchronization of data between mobile apps and the simulator. It is lightweight, root-free, and has a low risk of virus infection. 

Therefore, LDPlayer is a powerful and stable Android emulator widely used for playing Android games, testing apps, and other scenarios. So, why can this emulator be used for bulk registration of Telegram accounts? As an Android emulator, LDPlayer has some special features: Multi-instance functionality: supports running multiple simulator instances simultaneously, just like running multiple real devices. Hardware acceleration: supports GPU-accelerated rendering, providing smoother and more stable performance than other emulators. Virtual device management: allows for quick creation, management, and deletion of virtual devices, and switching between different phone models and Android versions. Customizable keys: supports customizable key mapping, allowing for mapping keyboard shortcuts to different key combinations, such as using Ctrl to swipe the screen. Data interaction: allows for real-time synchronization of game data between mobile apps and the simulator, without the need to start over. Virtual location: simulates GPS location to achieve location-based effects, helping to unlock game mechanisms in certain scenarios. Performance monitoring: displays CPU, memory, and network speed indicators, helping to detect and solve performance issues. Screenshot tool: supports screenshot and recording functions, making it easy to record details or share with others. Online updates: no need to reinstall, supports real-time detection and installation of new versions. These professional features make LDPlayer an excellent tool for helping us with bulk registration of Telegram accounts.

使用 LdPlayer Emulator 批量注册 Telegram 账号的步骤如下:

  • 下载并安装 LadPlay Emulator。

  • 打开 LdPlayer Emulator。

  • 点击“新建任务”。

  • 选择“Telegram 注册”。

  • 输入您想要注册的 Telegram 账号数量。

  • 点击“开始”。

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这时,LadPlay Emulator 将自动开始注册 Telegram 账号。看上去很简单,但是要实现短时间多任务注册海量的飞机小号,你要有模拟器多开的能力、有靠谱的接码平台接入、及海量住宅IP轮询。建议深入了解我们的Telegram批量注册账号工具是如何工作的,那么需要部署怎样的接码平台和代理库这个问题也会迎刃而解。

在批量注册大量飞机小号成功后,LdPlayer Emulator 将会显示注册成功的 Telegram 账号信息。您可以将这些账号信息导出到 CSV 文件、 Excel 文件、或者Session文件,可在群发飞机私信消息工具使用这些小号的时候,批量导入并一键登录到飞机群发软件。


LdPlayer Emulator 是一个付费软件。

LdPlayer Emulator 仅支持 Windows 操作系统。

LdPlayer Emulator 需要使用代理服务器才能注册 Telegram 账号。



  • 隐私和安全。Telegram近年来一直在加强对用户隐私和安全的保护。开放API可能会增加用户数据泄露和应用程序滥用的风险。

  • 帐号注册流程改进。Telegram直接控制帐号注册流程,可以更好地预防诈骗和垃圾信息生成的机器人帐号。

  • 限制垃圾信息。通过API注册的帐号中可能包含大量机器人和垃圾信息账户。这会影响用户体验。

  • 统一用户界面的需求。第三方应用程序接口可能会破坏Telegram产品的统一用户体验。

  • 扩大流量投入。Telegram停止API支持,可以集中流量和资源为自家产品效能和功能优化服务。

  • 避免滥用。一些第三方应用滥用API诈骗、挖礦或进行非法活动,这也是Telegram决定的一个考量。


  • 飞机用户量受限:通过第三方应用获得的新用户将大幅减少。此前有一部分用户是通过第三方软件初次接触Telegram的。

  • 活跃度下降:依赖第三方软件使用Telegram的用户,可能会逐渐减少使用频率或转向其他社交软件。

  • 定制功能缺失:一些第三方软件为用户提供了额外定制功能,这类功能难以在Telegram自身产品中一步实现。

  • 开发者生态影响:关闭API将对以前依赖其开发的公司和开发者产生一定不良影响。

  • 短期用户流失:有一定比例用户可能不适应API关闭后功能和体验上的变化,选择短期离开平台。


  • Telegram控制力增强,有利规范用户隐私和权限。

  • 功能和体验将更加一致及稳定,有利吸引和留住高质量用户。

  • 安全因素提高,有利形成良好的口碑传播效应。

How Should Overseas Marketers Respond to Telegram's Defensive Measures? Starting from January 1, 2023, Telegram officially closed its external API support, only allowing registration and login through its own client APP. This move aims to enhance the security and user experience of its product. Telegram closed its API support to third-party applications for several reasons: Privacy and security: Telegram has been strengthening its protection of user privacy and security in recent years. Open API support may increase the risk of user data leakage and application abuse.Improvement of account registration process: Telegram can better prevent fraudulent and spam accounts by directly controlling the account registration process.Restricting spam information: Accounts registered through API may contain a large number of robot and spam accounts, affecting user experience.Unified user interface: Third-party application interfaces may disrupt the unified user experience of Telegram's product.Expanding traffic input: By stopping API support, Telegram can focus its traffic and resources on optimizing its product's performance and functionality.Avoiding abuse: Some third-party applications may abuse API for fraud, mining, or illegal activities, which is another consideration for Telegram.

It's undeniable that the closure of API support will have a significant impact on overseas marketers' Telegram marketing, including the number of users and user engagement. The main impacts are: Limited user growth: The number of new users acquired through third-party applications will significantly decrease. Some users initially contacted Telegram through third-party software.Decreased user engagement: Users relying on third-party software to use Telegram may gradually reduce their usage frequency or switch to other social media platforms.Lack of customized functions: Some third-party software provided users with extra customized functions, which are difficult to implement in Telegram's own product.Impact on developer ecosystem: The closure of API support will have a negative impact on companies and developers who previously relied on it.Short-term user loss: Some users may not adapt to the changes in functionality and experience after the API closure and may temporarily leave the platform. However, in the long term: Telegram's control power will increase, regulating user privacy and permissions.Functions and experiences will become more consistent and stable, attracting and retaining high-quality users.Security factors will improve, forming a good reputation and promoting word-of-mouth effects.


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