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我们提供Zalo群发消息的工具和服务,We Provide Zalo DM Mass Messaging Service & Software!

我们提供地 Zalo DM 批量群发工具和服务,对于出海企业开发越南市场和客户非常重要。Zalo群发帮助出海企业提高成本效益、精准锁定潜在受众群体目标、个性化定制推广信息,从而帮助出海企业获得竞争优势。

Zalo DM 批量群发消息对于出海企业开发越南客户的重要性,还在于其高触达率,Zalo 是越南最受欢迎的IM消息应用程序之一,拥有超过 1 亿活跃用户。这意味着越南客户的大部分已经在使用 Zalo,使得企业可以通过 Zalo DM 批量发送来与他们建立联系。首选通信渠道,越南客户倾向于使用 Zalo 作为他们的主要通信渠道,尤其是用于个人和社交互动。通过使用 Zalo DM 批量发送,出海企业可以利用这种倾向,更加有效地与客户交流。成本效益,与传统营销方法(如电子邮件营销或短信)相比,Zalo DM 批量发送是一种成本效益高的方式来接触大量客户。对于出海企业来说,这尤其重要,因为他们需要尽量减少成本,同时最大化营销效果。目标营销清晰,Zalo DM 批量发送帮助出海企业根据受众画像、兴趣爱好和行为特征来目标锁定特定的客户群体。这种目标营销方式可以提高营销活动的效果,同时减少流量损耗。个性化推广,通过使用 Zalo DM 批量发送,出海企业可以根据个人的喜好和需求来定制推广消息,增加客户参与和转化的可能性。个性化是建立强大的客户关系和品牌忠诚度的关键。遵守当地法规合规,Zalo 是越南拥有的本土平台,使用 Zalo DM 批量发送可以帮助出海企业遵守当地法规和数据隐私法规。这尤其重要,因为越南正在加强数据保护力度。与现有 CRM 系统集成,Zalo DM 批量发送可以与现有的 CRM 系统集成,使得企业可以跨多个平台管理客户交互和数据。这简化了营销活动,并帮助企业更好地理解客户。可衡量的流量转化结果,Zalo DM 批量发送提供了可衡量的结果,帮助出海企业跟踪营销活动的效果,并根据数据呈现做出明智的决策来优化策略。提供竞争优势,通过使用 Zalo DM 批量消息发送,出海企业可以获得竞争优势,超越竞争对手。在拥挤的市场中,使用 Zalo DM 批量发送可以帮助企业脱颖而出,建立品牌差异化。本地化,Zalo DM 批量发送可以帮助出海企业根据越南市场的特点,有针对性地进行本地化营销,考虑到文化细节和语言偏好。这可以帮助出海企业建立信任和可靠性,与越南客户建立更好的关系。

Zalo DM bulk sending is crucial for overseas enterprises targeting Vietnamese customers for several reasons:

  1. High adoption rate: Zalo is a popular messaging app in Vietnam, with over 100 million active users. This means that a large proportion of Vietnamese customers are already using Zalo, making it an ideal platform for businesses to reach them.

  2. Preferred communication channel: Vietnamese customers tend to prefer using Zalo as their primary communication channel, especially for personal and social interactions. By using Zalo DM bulk sending, businesses can tap into this preference and engage with customers more effectively.

  3. Cost-effective: Compared to traditional marketing methods, such as email marketing or SMS, Zalo DM bulk sending is a cost-effective way to reach a large number of customers. This is especially important for overseas enterprises looking to minimize costs while maximizing their marketing efforts.

  4. Targeted marketing: Zalo DM bulk sending allows businesses to target specific customer segments based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This targeted approach helps to increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and reduce waste.

  5. Personalization: By using Zalo DM bulk sending, businesses can personalize their messages to individual customers, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Personalization is key to building strong customer relationships and fostering brand loyalty.

  6. Compliance with local regulations: Zalo is a Vietnamese-owned platform, and using Zalo DM bulk sending helps overseas enterprises comply with local regulations and data privacy laws. This is particularly important for businesses operating in Vietnam, where data protection is a growing concern.

  7. Integration with existing CRM systems: Zalo DM bulk sending can be integrated with existing CRM systems, making it easy to manage customer interactions and data across multiple platforms. This streamlines marketing efforts and helps businesses to better understand their customers.

  8. Measurable results: Zalo DM bulk sending provides measurable results, allowing businesses to track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies.

  9. Competitive advantage: By leveraging Zalo DM bulk sending, overseas enterprises can gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. In a crowded market, using Zalo DM bulk sending can help businesses stand out and differentiate themselves from competitors.

  10. Localization: Zalo DM bulk sending enables businesses to tailor their marketing efforts to the local Vietnamese market, taking into account cultural nuances and language preferences. This localization helps to build trust and credibility with Vietnamese customers.

(1)采集海量Facebook Instagram用户&红人 + 群发DM推广服务!            (2)Telegram群发DM私信服务,可5万条起尝试效果!(1)WhatsApp群发&代发服务;           (3)真机+实体号矩阵WhatsApp群发服务助力灰产&擦边行业日发DM消息500万条不受限!           (4)WhatsApp群发服务:客户端后台自助操作指南;            (5)我们提供 KakaoTalk 群发服务,精准触达海量日韩出海业务受众!            (6)我们提供VK (VKontakte) 群发服务,精准触达海量俄罗斯和俄语系人群出海业务受众!            (7)我们提供 Signal 群发服务,助力敏感出海业务精准触达海量受众!            (8)我们提供Line群发服务,精准批量触达大量东亚出海受众!            (9)我们提供Discord群发服务,Discord 群发消息如何实现? 

Zalo DM bulk sending is essential for overseas enterprises targeting Vietnamese customers because it allows for cost-effective, targeted, and personalized marketing that is compliant with local regulations and can help businesses gain a competitive advantage.

实现 Zalo DM 批量发送需要技术性方法,涉及多个步骤和编程语言。下面是一个分步指南,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|继续介绍如何使用我们的群发工具和服务实现批量发送:


  1. 创建 Zalo 开发者账户:注册 Zalo 开发者账户以获取 API 密钥和秘密密钥。我们提供Zalo批量注册账号的工具和服务,We Provide Zalo Bulk Register Service & Software!

  2. 选择编程语言:选择您喜欢的编程语言(例如 Python、Node.js、Java)来构建批量发送应用程序。

  3. 使用 Zalo API:使用 Zalo API 发送批量 DM。Zalo API 提供了发送消息、检索对话和管理联系人的端点。

  4. 存储接收者数据:将接收者数据(例如电话号码、用户名)存储在数据库或 CSV 文件中。

  5. 实现批量发送逻辑:编写脚本以检索接收者数据,生成消息内容,并使用 Zalo API 发送批量 DM。

Python 示例代码:

下面是一个使用 Python 和 requests 库发送 Zalo DM 批量的示例代码:



  1. 脚本从 CSV 文件加载接收者数据,其中包含电话号码和用户名。

  2. 脚本设置消息内容和 Zalo API 端点。

  3. 脚本对每个接收者发送 POST 请求到 Zalo API 端点,传递接收者的电话号码、消息内容和其他必需参数。

  4. 脚本处理 Zalo API 的响应,打印成功消息或错误消息,如果消息发送失败。


  • 确保正确处理错误和异常,以避免批量发送期间出现问题。

  • 实现速率限制,以避免达到 Zalo API 速率限制。

  • 确保遵守 Zalo 的服务条款和消息政策。

  • 考虑使用更robust和可扩展的解决方案,例如消息服务或云平台,进行大规模批量发送。

注意: 这只是一个基本示例,旨在演示批量发送 Zalo DM 的技术路径。您可能需要修改代码以适应您的具体需求,并正确处理错误和异常。

Implementing Zalo DM bulk sending requires a technical approach that involves several steps and programming languages. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

Technical Path:

  1. Create a Zalo Developer Account: Register for a Zalo developer account to obtain an API key and secret key.

  2. Choose a Programming Language: Select a programming language of your choice (e.g., Python, Node.js, Java) to build the bulk sending application.

  3. Use Zalo API: Utilize the Zalo API to send direct messages (DMs) in bulk. The Zalo API provides endpoints for sending messages, retrieving conversations, and managing contacts.

  4. Store Recipient Data: Store the recipient data (e.g., phone numbers, usernames) in a database or a CSV file.

  5. Implement Bulk Sending Logic: Write a script that retrieves the recipient data, generates the message content, and sends the DMs in bulk using the Zalo API.

Python Example Code:

Here's an example using Python and the requests library to send Zalo DMs in bulk:

import csvimport requests# Zalo API credentialsapi_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"# Load recipient data from CSV filerecipients = []with open("recipients.csv", "r") as file:    reader = csv.reader(file)    for row in reader:        recipients.append({"phone_number": row[0], "username": row[1]})# Set the message contentmessage = "Hello! This is a test message from Zalo DM bulk sender."# Set the API endpoint and headersendpoint = "https://api.zalo.com/v1/messages/send"headers = {    "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}",    "Content-Type": "application/json"}# Send DMs in bulkfor recipient in recipients:    data = {        "to": recipient["phone_number"],        "type": "text",        "content": message    }
    response = requests.post(endpoint, headers=headers, json=data)    if response.status_code == 200:        print(f"Message sent to {recipient['username']} successfully!")    else:        print(f"Error sending message to {recipient['username']}: {response.text}")


  1. The script loads the recipient data from a CSV file, which contains phone numbers and usernames.

  2. The script sets the message content and the Zalo API endpoint for sending messages.

  3. The script sends a POST request to the Zalo API endpoint for each recipient, passing the recipient's phone number, message content, and other required parameters.

  4. The script handles the response from the Zalo API, printing a success message for each recipient or an error message if the message sending fails.

Additional Considerations:

  • Make sure to handle errors and exceptions properly to avoid issues during bulk sending.

  • Implement rate limiting to avoid hitting the Zalo API rate limits.

  • Ensure that you comply with Zalo's terms of service and messaging policies.

  • Consider using a more robust and scalable solution, such as a messaging service or a cloud-based platform, for large-scale bulk sending.

(10)我们提供 Viber 群发服务,助力灰产出海业务开发东南亚等国精准客户!            (11)我们提供彩信群发服务,国际“三不限”顶级通道实现短信彩信发送到国内手机用户,不限行业、不限内容!            (12)我们提供 Skype 群发服务和工具!            (13)我们提供 Line 强制拉群、炒群服务和工具!            (14)我们提供国内外短信彩信群发顶级通道,突破批量发送灰产、五类、擦边、成人的限制,真正实现“免审发送”的国际短信和彩信群发服务!            (15)我们提供国际短信通道发送彩信不限国家、不限行业、不限内容,低成本支持全球语言、可发送超链!            (16)我们提供批量发送 TikTok 站内信的服务和工具,通过“打招呼”触达海量的潜在用户!            (17)我们提供 SnapChat 群发工具和代发服务,实现色拉布群发超链不受限!            (18)我们提供 Snapchat 群发的工具和服务,批量发送DM的技术路径是怎样的?            (19)我们提供RCS群发工具和服务!

Note: This is just a basic example to illustrate the technical path for implementing Zalo DM bulk sending. You may need to modify the code to suit your specific requirements and handle errors and exceptions properly.

如何联系此批量采集和群发服务商:如需邮件、RCS、国际短信、彩信群发代发,或者TikTok, KakaoTalk, Line, VK, Viber, LinkedIn, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Discord, Skype, SnapChat等媒体的群发或代发DM私信服务,可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/theoglo (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Zalo推广

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