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我们提供批量注册飞机号的工具和服务,We provide bulk register Telegram account software & service. 为什么不能同时导出为py和tele格式?

当注册 Telegram 账户时,可以使用我们的工具: (3)Telegram批量注册账号工具但是,在完成批量注册账号之后,您只能将其导出为一种格式,either py 或 tele。这是因为这些格式用于不同的目的和具有不同的结构。

py 格式用于基于 Python 的自动化和脚本编写,其中账户凭据存储在 Python 脚本中。该格式通常用于自动化任务,例如发送消息、发布更新和在 Telegram 上执行其他操作:我们提供PY格式的电报账号批量注册工具和服务,We provide py format Telegram accounts bulk register software & service!

tele 格式另一方面用于批量账户创建和管理。它将账户凭据存储在一个特殊的格式中,该格式可被专门的软件或工具用于管理和自动化多个 Telegram 账户:我们提供Tele格式的电报账号批量注册,We provide tele format Telegram accounts bulk register!

您不能同时将 Telegram 账户导出为 py 和 tele 格式的原因是它们用于不同的目的和具有不同的结构。将账户导出为一种格式可能不兼容于另一种格式。

例如,py 格式将账户凭据存储在 Python 脚本中,该脚本专门用于基于 Python 的自动化。tele 格式另一方面将账户凭据存储在平面文件或数据库中,该文件或数据库专门用于批量账户管理,例如:(9)我们提供 Telegram 新账号批量登录并养号的服务和工具!      


为了避免这种情况,Telegram 只允许将账户导出为一种格式,确保导出的数据是兼容和安全的。

When registering a Telegram account, you can only export it in one format at a time, either py or tele. This is because these formats are used for different purposes and have different structures.

py format is used for Python-based automation and scripting, where the account credentials are stored in a Python script. This format is typically used for automating tasks, such as sending messages, posting updates, and performing other actions on Telegram.

tele format, on the other hand, is used for bulk account creation and management. It stores the account credentials in a specific format that can be used by specialized software or tools to manage and automate multiple Telegram accounts.

The reason you can't export a Telegram account in both py and tele formats simultaneously is that they serve different purposes and have different structures. Exporting an account in one format may not be compatible with the other format.

For example, the py format stores the account credentials in a Python script, which is specific to Python-based automation. The tele format, on the other hand, stores the account credentials in a flat file or database, which is specific to bulk account management.

If you try to export an account in both formats, you may end up with conflicting or incompatible data, which could lead to errors or security issues.

To avoid this, Telegram only allows exporting an account in one format at a time, ensuring that the exported data is compatible and secure.

选择适合您的需求的导出格式取决于您想要使用 Telegram 账户的目的和方式。以下是一些建议:


那么选择 py 格式

py 格式是专门为 Python 脚本设计的,用于自动化 Telegram 账户的操作。它将账户凭据存储在 Python 脚本中,方便您使用 Python 库和框架来开发和测试 Telegram 机器人和应用程序。


那么选择 tele 格式

tele 格式是专门为批量账户创建和管理设计的,用于存储多个 Telegram 账户的凭据。它将账户凭据存储在一个特殊的格式中,方便您使用专门的软件或工具来管理和自动化多个 Telegram 账户。


  • 手动管理和使用 Telegram 账户

  • 不需要自动化或批量管理账户


在这种情况下,您可以手动管理和使用 Telegram 账户,不需要将其导出为任何格式。

因此,选择适合您的需求的导出格式取决于您想要使用 Telegram 账户的目的和方式。如果您需要自动化或批量管理账户,那么选择 py 或 tele 格式。如果您只需要手动管理和使用 Telegram 账户,那么您可能不需要选择任何格式。

How to Choose the Right Export Format for Your Needs?

Choosing the right export format for your needs depends on the purpose and way you want to use your Telegram account. Here are some suggestions:

If you need:

  • To automate Telegram account operations using Python scripts (e.g., sending messages, posting updates, etc.)

  • To develop and test Telegram API applications

Then choose the py format

The py format is specifically designed for Python scripting, used for automating Telegram account operations. It stores account credentials in a Python script, making it easy to use Python libraries and frameworks to develop and test Telegram bots and applications.

If you need:

  • To create and manage multiple Telegram accounts in bulk

  • To use specialized software or tools to manage and automate Telegram accounts

Then choose the tele format

The tele format is specifically designed for bulk account creation and management, storing account credentials in a special format. This makes it easy to use specialized software or tools to manage and automate multiple Telegram accounts.

If you need:

  • To manually manage and use your Telegram account

  • You don't need automation or bulk management

Then you may not need to choose any format

In this case, you can manually manage and use your Telegram account without needing to export it in any format.

In summary, choosing the right export format depends on your needs and how you want to use your Telegram account. If you need automation or bulk management, choose the py or tele format. If you only need manual management, you may not need to choose any format.

为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入的了解我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|的批量注册飞机号工具,接下来演示一些导出 Telegram 账户凭据到 py 和 tele 格式的示例代码:

导出到 py 格式


这将创建一个 credentials.py 文件,其中包含以下内容:


导出到 tele 格式


这将创建一个文本文件,其中每行代表 Telegram 账户凭据的一个键值对。

请注意,这只是一些示例代码,您应该永远不与他人共享您的实际 Telegram 账户凭据。此外,请确保安全地存储您的凭据,并遵循最佳实践来避免任何潜在的安全风险。

Here are some examples of exporting Telegram account credentials in py and tele formats:

Exporting to py format

# Exporting to py format using Python scriptimport json# Telegram account credentialsapi_id = 123456api_hash = "your_api_hash_here"phone_number = "+1234567890"username = "your_username_here"# Create a Python dictionary to store the credentialscredentials = {    "api_id": api_id,    "api_hash": api_hash,    "phone_number": phone_number,    "username": username}# Export the credentials to a Python filewith open("credentials.py", "w") as f:    f.write("credentials = " + json.dumps(credentials, indent=4))print("Credentials exported to credentials.py")

This will create a credentials.py file with the following content:

credentials = {    "api_id": 123456,    "api_hash": "your_api_hash_here",    "phone_number": "+1234567890",    "username": "your_username_here"}

Exporting to tele format

# Exporting to tele format using a text fileapi_id=123456api_hash=your_api_hash_herephone_number=+1234567890username=your_username_here

This will create a text file with the above content, where each line represents a key-value pair of the Telegram account credentials.

Please note that these are just examples, and you should never share your actual Telegram account credentials with anyone. Also, make sure to store your credentials securely and follow best practices to avoid any potential security risks.

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We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

“我们提供批量注册飞机号的工具和服务,We provide bulk register Telegram account software & service. 为什么不能同时导出为py和tele格式?” 的相关文章






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