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我们提供在一部电脑登录几百个Telegram账号的多开工具,We provide multiple login Telegram software!

Telegram 对账号的滥用行为(如频繁登录、短时间内发送大量消息等)有严格的限制,因此必须采取适当的措施来避免触发 Telegram 的反垃圾机制。我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|提供个在一个终端登录多个飞机号的工具,可以自动批量导入并登录飞机号,无论是session还是Tdata格式的账号,都能实现多开。我们除了为每个飞机号都部署独立的住宅IP网络环境,还避免了因大量的飞机号因为硬件ID身份雷同而导致的批量死号。也就是为了避免这种情况,必须分离每个账号的硬件标识,并确保每个账号的登录环境尽可能模拟成独立设备:我们提供在一部电脑登录几百个Telegram账号的工具,硬件ID避免关联是怎样实现从而避免批量封号的?

当然,在一台电脑上实现飞机号多开并登录几百上千个 Telegram 账号,而不被封号,这涉及到多个方面的技术实现,包括会话管理IP 地址轮换(代理)操作频率控制等。为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入的了解我们的工具,现提供实现飞机多开的技术思路和部分基础代码供参考:

1. 技术路径概述

要在一台电脑上登录大量 Telegram 账号并避免封号,可以采取以下技术路径:(3)Telegram批量注册账号工具

a. 多会话管理

每个账号必须使用独立的 .session 文件来管理 Telegram 的登录状态,这样可以确保不同账号的会话不会冲突。这样做的好处是 Telegram 会话信息是持久化的,不需要每次重新输入验证码。 (22)我们提供飞机Session号批量登录的工具和代码,We provide Telegram session accounts bulk login software & codes!飞机多开!

b. IP 地址轮换(代理)

Telegram 可能会检测到同一 IP 地址上登录的多个账号,并视其为滥用行为。因此,使用代理服务器(如 SOCKS5 或 HTTP 代理)是必要的。通过为不同的 Telegram 客户端分配不同的代理,可以模拟不同的地理位置和设备,防止 Telegram 检测到异常行为。

c. 操作频率控制

Telegram 对于每个账号的操作(如发送消息、加入群组等)有严格的频率限制。为了避免触发这些限制,需要在操作之间引入适当的延迟,例如使用 asyncio.sleep() 来控制每个账号的操作频率。

d. 异步并发处理

为了高效地管理多达几百个账号,需要使用 Python 的异步编程(如 asyncioconcurrent.futures),以便能同时处理多个账号的操作,而不会造成阻塞。  (21)我们提供Telegram多开工具实现电脑端登录不限数量的飞机号,We provide Telegram accounts multiple login software! 飞机多开工具。

2. 具体的技术实现


  1. 安装依赖库:使用 Telethon 库来管理 Telegram 的登录和消息处理,使用 proxy 库来管理代理。

  2. IP 代理池:为多个账号配置不同的代理 IP 地址,防止 Telegram 检测到多个账号来自同一 IP 地址。

  3. 异步任务调度:使用 asyncio 来并发管理多个 Telegram 账号的登录和消息处理。(23)我们提供飞机Session账号,We provide Telegram Session format accounts! 实现飞机群发为什么离不开大量的Session小号?    


pip install telethon


你可以使用免费的代理池(如 proxy-list,或者购买付费代理)来为每个账号分配不同的 IP 地址。Smartproxy 代理 | 住宅IP测评。军事级别的加密、超过千万级别住宅IP的租用,灰产出海及擦边产品群控、群发的不二选择!

3. 示例代码

以下是一个示例代码,展示如何在一台电脑上登录并管理多个 Telegram 账号,同时使用代理和异步任务调度来防止封号。


4. 代码解释

  1. API Credentials: API_IDAPI_HASH 是 Telegram API 的凭据,可以从 Telegram Developer Portal 获取。

  2. Proxy Pool: 在 proxy_pool 中,你需要为每个账号配置不同的代理。代理类型可以是 socks5http,根据代理服务的提供情况设置。

  3. Session Management: 每个 Telegram 账号的会话数据保存在独立的 .session 文件中。这样可以确保每个账号的登录状态是独立的,避免会话冲突。(27)我们提供批量采集同行和竞争对手飞机群成员的工具和服务,为什么这种营销手段对于出海获客非常重要?

  4. Asynchronous Execution: 使用 asynciogather() 方法并发启动多个 Telegram 客户端。通过 await asyncio.sleep() 控制每个账号的登录频率,防止 Telegram 检测到异常的登录行为。

  5. Message Listener: 通过 events.NewMessage 监听器,可以监听每个账号接收到的新消息。你可以根据实际需求扩展此功能,例如自动回复、群组管理等。

5. 避免封号的关键技术

  • 代理轮换:使用不同的代理 IP 地址来模拟不同的设备和地理位置。每个账号分配一个独立的代理,确保它们不会共享同一个 IP 地址,避免触发 Telegram 的反垃圾机制。

  • 操作频率控制:通过在每次操作之间加入随机的延迟(例如 asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(1, 3))),可以有效地降低被检测到批量操作的风险。

  • 会话隔离:每个账号使用独立的 .session 文件来存储会话信息,确保不同账号的登录状态是独立的。(28)我们提供按照关键词批量搜索采集飞机群的工具,We provide Telegram group search software!  

6. 常见问题和解决方案

  1. 验证码问题:在第一次登录时,Telegram 会发送验证码到账号的注册电话。你需要手动输入验证码,之后登录信息将被保存到 .session 文件中,后续登录将不再需要验证码。 (32)我们提供飞机Session账号,We provide Telegram Session format accounts! 飞机Session账号有哪些用途?

  2. 代理失效:如果使用的代理失效或被封禁,可能会导致账号无法登录。建议使用高质量的代理服务,并定期更新代理池。

  3. 账号限制:Telegram 对于每个账号的操作有严格的限制(如发送消息的频率、加入群组的数量等)。滥用这些功能可能导致账号被封禁。建议在程序中加入速率限制,确保每个账号的操作频率在安全范围内。

因此,通过使用 Telegram 的 MTProto API 和 Python 的 Telethon 库,结合 代理轮换异步并发处理,可以在一台电脑上高效地管理和登录多个 Telegram 账号,同时避免触发 Telegram 的反垃圾机制。示例代码展示了如何实现多账号的登录、会话管理、代理设置和消息监听:(5)我们提供Telegram 群监听工具和自动回复机器人开发服务:工具、API 机器人开发 + 逆向工程实现

To log in to hundreds of Telegram accounts on a single computer without getting banned, several technical implementations are required, including session management, IP address rotation (proxies), operation rate limiting, and more. Telegram has strict policies against abusive behavior (such as frequent logins or sending large volumes of messages in a short time), so appropriate measures must be taken to avoid triggering Telegram’s anti-spam mechanisms.

1. Technical Approach Overview

To log into a large number of Telegram accounts on a single computer and avoid being banned, the following technical paths can be followed:

a. Multi-Session Management

Each account must use an independent .session file to manage the Telegram login state. This ensures that the sessions of different accounts do not conflict. The advantage of this is that Telegram session information is persistent, so there is no need to re-enter the verification code every time.

b. IP Address Rotation (Proxies)

Telegram may detect multiple accounts logging in from the same IP address and consider this abusive behavior. Therefore, using proxy servers (such as SOCKS5 or HTTP proxies) is essential. By assigning different proxies to each Telegram client, you can simulate different geographic locations and devices, thus preventing Telegram from detecting abnormal behavior.

c. Operation Rate Limiting

Telegram has strict rate limits for each account’s operations (such as sending messages or joining groups). To avoid triggering these limits, you need to introduce appropriate delays between operations, for example, using asyncio.sleep() to control the operation frequency for each account.

d. Asynchronous Concurrent Processing

To efficiently manage hundreds of accounts, Python’s asynchronous programming (such as asyncio or concurrent.futures) should be used, allowing multiple accounts to be handled simultaneously without blocking.

2. Specific Technical Implementation


  1. Install Required Libraries: Use the Telethon library to manage Telegram logins and message handling, and use a proxy library to manage proxies.

  2. Proxy Pool: Configure different proxy IP addresses for multiple accounts to prevent Telegram from detecting multiple accounts coming from the same IP address.

  3. Asynchronous Task Scheduling: Use asyncio to concurrently manage the login and message handling for multiple Telegram accounts.

Install Dependencies:

pip install telethon

Proxy Pool:

You can use a free proxy pool (such as proxy-list) or purchase paid proxies to assign different IP addresses to each account.

3. Example Code

Below is an example code that demonstrates how to log into and manage multiple Telegram accounts on a single computer. It uses proxies and asynchronous task scheduling to prevent account bans.


4. Code Explanation

  1. API Credentials: API_ID and API_HASH are the Telegram API credentials, which can be obtained from the Telegram Developer Portal.

  2. Proxy Pool: In the proxy_pool, you need to configure different proxies for each account. The proxy type can be socks5 or http, depending on the proxy service you are using.

  3. Session Management: Each Telegram account’s session data is stored in a separate .session file. This ensures that each account’s login state is independent, avoiding session conflicts.

  4. Asynchronous Execution: The gather() method from asyncio is used to concurrently start multiple Telegram clients. Using await asyncio.sleep() controls the login frequency for each account, preventing Telegram from detecting abnormal login behavior.

  5. Message Listener: The events.NewMessage listener is used to listen for new messages on each account. You can expand this functionality based on your actual needs, such as auto-replying, group management, etc.

5. Key Techniques to Avoid Bans

  • Proxy Rotation: Use different proxy IP addresses to simulate different devices and geographic locations. Each account is assigned a unique proxy to ensure they do not share the same IP address, avoiding triggering Telegram's anti-spam mechanisms.

  • Operation Rate Limiting: By introducing random delays between each operation (e.g., asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(1, 3))), you can reduce the risk of being detected for performing batch operations.

  • Session Isolation: Each account uses a separate .session file to store session information, ensuring that each account’s login state is independent.

6. Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Verification Code: On the first login, Telegram will send a verification code to the registered phone number of the account. You will need to manually input the code. After that, the login information will be saved in the .session file, so no verification code is needed for subsequent logins.

  2. Proxy Failure: If the proxies you are using fail or get banned, the accounts may not be able to log in. It's recommended to use high-quality proxy services and regularly update your proxy pool.

  3. Account Limits: Telegram has strict limits on account actions (such as message frequency, number of groups joined, etc.). Abusing these features may lead to account bans. It’s advisable to add rate limiting in your program to ensure each account's operation frequency stays within safe limits.

By using Telegram’s MTProto API and Python’s Telethon library, combined with proxy rotation and asynchronous concurrent processing, you can efficiently manage and log into multiple Telegram accounts on a single computer while avoiding triggering Telegram’s anti-spam mechanisms. The example code demonstrates how to implement multi-account login, session management, proxy settings, and message listening.

如何联系此 Telegram 工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发 DM 私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人、批量注册飞机号、批量群发DM私信,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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