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我们提供批量采集飞机频道粉丝的工具和服务,We provide mass collect Telegram channel subscribers software & service!

要批量采集 Telegram 频道的订阅者(包括用户的 UID、用户名、头像 URL 等信息),可以使用我们的工具,并借助 Telegram Client API 来获取这些数据。我们可以使用 Python 的 Telethon 库进行操作。不过需要注意的是,Telegram 官方 API 有严格的隐私限制,并不是所有的频道都允许获取其订阅者信息。如果频道为私有且你不是管理员,Telegram API 是不允许你访问订阅者信息的,所以市面上绝大部分的同类工具在这种情况下都不能采集。而使用我们的工具,即使在你不是该频道的管理员、或者频道是非公开的情况下,也能获取到这个频道的完整订阅者粉丝数据。当然,为了避免封号,你需要部署登录大量的飞机小号去实施这个工作任务:(3)Telegram批量注册账号工具。为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入的了解我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|的这款营销工作,接下来将对实现功能的技术路径进行讲解,也分享一些基础的示例代码,如下。在采集到同类频道或者竞争对手飞机频道的粉丝资料之后,可以通过我们的(2)Telegram自动群发工具批量触达开发新客户;也可以使用我们的(4)TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具将这些粉丝拉到自建群炒群营销。


  1. 使用 Telethon

    • Telethon 是一个 Python 库,通过 Telegram Client API 允许你以用户身份登录并与 Telegram 交互。

    • 通过加入频道或成为管理员,你可以访问该频道的订阅者列表,并提取订阅者的相关信息(如用户 ID、用户名、头像 URL)。

  2. 获取订阅者列表

    • 使用 GetParticipantsRequest 来获取频道的订阅者信息。如果频道较大,可以分批次获取订阅者列表(Telegram API 会限制一次返回的订阅者数量,通常是 200 个)。

  3. 提取订阅者信息

    • 通过 Telegram API,获取每个订阅者的 user_idusernameaccess_hash。通过 access_hash 可以进一步获取用户的头像 URL(如果用户有公开头像)。


以下是一个使用 Telethon 来批量采集 Telegram 频道订阅者信息的示例代码:

1. 安装 Telethon

首先,安装 Telethon 库:

pip install telethon

2. 创建 Telegram 应用

你需要在 my.telegram.org 上创建一个 Telegram 应用,获取 API IDAPI Hash (15)我们提供MY.tg的API渠道和出售开发者账号,We provide my.tg API & developer account! 你为什么一直报错无法申请成功?

3. 示例代码



  1. API 认证

  2. 获取订阅者

    • 使用 GetParticipantsRequest 获取频道的订阅者列表。这里使用了 ChannelParticipantsSearch('') 来获取所有用户。

    • 每次请求最多返回 200 个用户,因此我们通过 offset 来分页获取所有订阅者。

  3. 保存订阅者信息

    • 订阅者信息被保存到一个 CSV 文件中,包含每个用户的 user_idusername 和个人资料链接(如果有)。

    • 如果用户没有用户名(username 为空),则以 N/A 标记。

  4. 分页获取

    • 使用 offsetlimit 来分页获取订阅者。如果返回的用户数量少于 limit,则意味着所有订阅者已经获取完毕。


  1. 权限限制

  2. 速率限制

    • Telegram API 对于批量请求有速率限制。如果你在短时间内发送过多请求,可能会被临时禁止。建议在大量请求时加入延迟,或者分批次运行脚本。

  3. 隐私问题

    • 采集用户信息时要特别注意隐私问题。不要滥用采集到的用户数据,并确保遵守相关的法律法规。

  4. 头像 URL

    • 上面的例子没有直接获取用户的头像 URL。如果你需要获取用户的头像,可以通过 GetUserPhotosRequest 来获取用户的头像信息,但这会对 API 产生更多的请求负担。

扩展:获取用户头像 URL 示例

你可以在用户列表的基础上,进一步获取每个用户的头像 URL:


通过调用这个函数,你可以为每个用户获取头像 URL 并将其保存到 CSV 文件中。

To bulk collect Telegram channel subscribers' information (including user ID, username, profile URL, etc.), you can use the Telegram Client API to retrieve this data. The recommended approach is using Python's Telethon library.

However, please note that there are strict privacy restrictions enforced by the Telegram Official API. You can only retrieve subscriber information from channels if you are the channel's admin or the channel is public. If the channel is private and you are not an admin, the Telegram API will not allow you to access subscriber information.

Technical Implementation Outline:

  1. Using Telethon:

    • Telethon is a Python library that allows you to log in as a user and interact with Telegram.

    • By joining a channel or being an admin, you can access the list of channel subscribers and extract relevant information (such as user ID, username, and profile URL).

  2. Fetching the Subscriber List:

    • Use GetParticipantsRequest to retrieve the list of subscribers from a channel. If the channel is large, you can fetch the subscribers in batches (Telegram API limits the number of subscribers returned in a single request, typically 200).

  3. Extracting Subscriber Information:

    • Through the Telegram API, you can obtain each subscriber's user_id, username, and access_hash. Using the access_hash, you can further retrieve the user's profile picture URL (if the user has a public profile picture).

Code Implementation:

Below is an example of how you can bulk collect Telegram channel subscriber information using Telethon.

1. Install Telethon

First, install the Telethon library:

pip install telethon

2. Create a Telegram Application

You need to create a Telegram application at my.telegram.org to obtain your API ID and API Hash.

3. Example Code

See above codes screenshot pls!

Code Explanation:
  1. API Authentication:

    • Use the api_id and api_hash from the application you created on my.telegram.org to authenticate and create a Telegram client.

    • When running the script for the first time, you will need to input your phone number and verify it through a code sent by Telegram.

  2. Fetching Subscribers:

    • Use GetParticipantsRequest to fetch the list of subscribers. We use ChannelParticipantsSearch('') to fetch all users.

    • Each request returns up to 200 users, so we paginate through the users by adjusting the offset.

  3. Saving Subscriber Information:

    • Subscriber information is saved to a CSV file, including each user's user_id, username, and profile link (if available).

    • If a user does not have a username, the script marks it as N/A.

  4. Pagination:

    • The script uses offset and limit to fetch subscribers in batches. If the number of users returned is less than limit, this means all subscribers have been fetched.

Important Considerations:

  1. Permission Restrictions:

    • You must be an admin of the target channel or the channel must be public to retrieve subscriber information. If the channel is private and you are not an admin, the Telegram API will not allow you to fetch the subscriber list.

  2. Rate Limits:

    • Telegram imposes rate limits on requests. If you send too many requests in a short period of time, your account might be temporarily restricted. To avoid this, add delays between requests or run the script in batches.

  3. Privacy Issues:

    • When collecting user data, be mindful of privacy issues. Do not misuse the collected data and ensure compliance with relevant privacy laws.

  4. Profile Picture URL:

    • In the above example, the profile picture URL is not fetched. If you need the profile picture, you can use GetUserPhotosRequest to retrieve a user's profile picture, but this will add more requests to the API.

Extension: Fetching User Profile Picture URL Example

You can extend the script to also fetch the profile picture URL for each user: See above codes screenshot pls!

By using Telethon and the Telegram Client API, you can bulk collect subscriber information from Telegram channels. This process requires administrative privileges on the channel (or the channel must be public) and you must respect Telegram's rate limits and privacy policies.

如何联系此 Telegram 工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发 DM 私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人、批量注册飞机号、批量群发DM私信,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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